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Att/def: different field, different matter

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  • Att/def: different field, different matter

    You're in a tank, you're passing in a narrow corridor between building. Actually, you're trying to conquer this city.

    In fact, if all you have is tanks, it will be hard to conquer any city. This can change about everything... Fighting in the wild is very different than urban fighting, and thus a separation could exist if the att/def ratings.

    Someone knows in which List thread it should go? I wanted to see if it was discussed somewhere, but there was nothing.
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

  • #2
    Wether this is correct or not, I have no idea, so I let other discuss that, but regarding your last question: I'd guess it suits well into the part of the List called "Combat".
    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
    Also active on WePlayCiv.


    • #3
      In SMAC infantry units had a +25% attack bonus when attacking a base. Perhaps this could be added as well to Civ4? It's a simple rule, but it adds a great element to battle tactics.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        Yes, I agree. I think that having bonus % to certain units for certain tasks could do the trick.

        The same issue exists for tanks taking a ride in a forest or jungle. Just try to aim and shoot: I'll play hide and seek behind the trees and laugh.
        Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Trifna
          Yes, I agree. I think that having bonus % to certain units for certain tasks could do the trick.

          The same issue exists for tanks taking a ride in a forest or jungle. Just try to aim and shoot: I'll play hide and seek behind the trees and laugh.
          Like that time the German Panzers smashed through the Ardennes.

          Damn the RNG.
          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


          • #6
            Different att/def values for every unit would be too hard to remember. What about some simple rules: All Infantry units will get a bonus for attack in cities / difficult terrain, tanks and cavalry in open spaces?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Max Sinister
              Different att/def values for every unit would be too hard to remember. What about some simple rules: All Infantry units will get a bonus for attack in cities / difficult terrain, tanks and cavalry in open spaces?
              I think that a 25% attack penalty to armored units would be more appropriate than giving a bonus to attacking infantry as it would still be an extremely tough mission for attacking infantry. Also, keep in mind that armor can still be a tremendous asset in city fighting even considering their increased vulerability.
              * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
              * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
              * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
              * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.

