Threadmasters, please keep that date on your calendars... for the first draft- get everything compiled by then and we will all be happy and dance around in little circles
hopefully I'll get a full compilation out in word format by Sept 15th (or barring that) the 30th... and then we can have a final draft by December 30th.
I would suggest that after summarizing your threads for the 15th, that you begin a new thread on the same subject for people to update/discuss ideas, so that I don't have to go back and re-edit the first draft when the final one comes along.
for example:
Threadmaster A summarizes Topic A.
People still submit ideas...
Threadmaster A creates Thread B and lists the ideas there with the proper categorical numbers on top of them.
(categories example: 1.0.0 Scenario Ideas..., 1.0.1. Scenario Ideas for Earth, etc.)
Threadmaster A makes the new ideas in a different color/ somehow symbolizes taht they are not in draft one suggestions in his old thread.
Does anyone need any clarification on this matter?
hopefully I'll get a full compilation out in word format by Sept 15th (or barring that) the 30th... and then we can have a final draft by December 30th.
I would suggest that after summarizing your threads for the 15th, that you begin a new thread on the same subject for people to update/discuss ideas, so that I don't have to go back and re-edit the first draft when the final one comes along.
for example:
Threadmaster A summarizes Topic A.
People still submit ideas...
Threadmaster A creates Thread B and lists the ideas there with the proper categorical numbers on top of them.
(categories example: 1.0.0 Scenario Ideas..., 1.0.1. Scenario Ideas for Earth, etc.)
Threadmaster A makes the new ideas in a different color/ somehow symbolizes taht they are not in draft one suggestions in his old thread.
Does anyone need any clarification on this matter?