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An idea for a wonder or other special power

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  • #16
    Customisable government types would remove the anarchy problem. That is use the EU2 sliders and stability model - change a government attribute and it temporarily increases corruption or unhappiness. The bigger the change the longer the time to readjust.

    You just need to decide what government attributes you want, know what their trade offs would be, and when they become available to variations.

    For sake of argument you could have a Free Speech scale. At the start of the game it would be set to minimal and can't be adjusted. When you develop Writing a second notch becomes available, when you develop Printing Press it can be adjusted to yet another higher, when you reach Mass Media/Production it can be set to the highest setting. The pro of Free Speech is less corruption or increased trade, the con is increased War Weariness.
    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • #17
      As a new wonder, how about the "Space Elevator" ? It would have to be built near the equator, and it significantly reduces the time it takes to build your spacecraft.


      • #18

        That is a really good idea.

        Your idea gave me a idea of a second slider; for trade: protectionism at one end, Free Trade at the other.

        The more you choose to trade only within your own borders, the less you earn, conversely, free trade at the other end earns you more, but also earns your nearest rival more......

        Based upon the sliding scale model you give, if applied to others area's, you could eliminate the government types entirely.

        Your stance towards other nations could be easily modelled using a slider (as an afterthought!)


