In CivII, IIRC, the Statue of Liberty allowed no-anarchy government changes.
This became irrelevent once Oedo made his discovery of the appropriately-named Oedo years: if you timed it correctly, you could change governments with only 1 turn lost to anarchy, or was it zero turns lost? I forget. Anyway, it was shockingly simple: once every four turns was an Oedo year.
But I digress. In CivIII, anarchy can't be avoided by something that simple, although of course Religious civs get a huge break on that as part of their trait advantage. Non-religious civs endure 4-9 turns of anarchy.
I think it would be cool if CivIV either brought back a wonder like the Statue of Liberty, or if Great Leaders are to be in the game, it could be a function of them (like a third option for the use of an SGL).
This became irrelevent once Oedo made his discovery of the appropriately-named Oedo years: if you timed it correctly, you could change governments with only 1 turn lost to anarchy, or was it zero turns lost? I forget. Anyway, it was shockingly simple: once every four turns was an Oedo year.
But I digress. In CivIII, anarchy can't be avoided by something that simple, although of course Religious civs get a huge break on that as part of their trait advantage. Non-religious civs endure 4-9 turns of anarchy.
I think it would be cool if CivIV either brought back a wonder like the Statue of Liberty, or if Great Leaders are to be in the game, it could be a function of them (like a third option for the use of an SGL).