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Provincial Palaces

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  • Provincial Palaces

    Make the Forbidden Palace a City Improvement, available at a cost somewhat cheaper than the Palace (based on the number of cities in the empire.)

    Players could opt to build as many Provincial Palaces as they wanted (at a staggering shield cost,) bringing corruption down to zero even in a large sprawling empire.

    The downside? Each Provincial Palace city has a % chance to rebel every turn -- they become strong cultural centers unto themselves, and rival the main Palace's authority. The percentage chance is similar to the % chance that a Nuclear plant will cause a radioactive disaster.

    If a city with a Provincial Palace rebels, it becomes the core city of a new Civilization, chosen at random from any remaining unplayed Civs. The new Civ has the same tech level as the old one. It should start with at least one defender, maybe more, or based on level of play.

    Civs that depend heavily on Provincial Palaces to keep down the corruption may pay a great price for it -- on the other hand that greatly reduced corruption is extremely appealing.

    This also allows for event-like spawning of new Civilizations in the game, and makes the game more consistant with history. The American revolution could be explained as a rebellion caused by the Provincial Palace of Philadelphia, for instance, which spawned the Americans from the English Civ.

    Rome's division into East and West could be explained as a rebellion caused by the Provincial Palace of Constantinople, spawning Byzantine civilization.

    Most importantly it adds the possibility of new Civs being spawned into the game. I miss that from older versions.

    This new rule would not require much change in basic game mechanics, but would add a new dimension to play. Players could opt out of the mechanic by avoiding building Provincial Palaces (at a cost in efficiency.)

    The rule could also be extended to the capture of enemy Palaces and/or Provincial Palaces -- they become Provincial Palaces in the new empire, unless sold, adding to the cities likelyhood of flipping and simulating tensions that would exist integrating the nations.

  • #3

    You could even go so far as to say that cities with Provincial Palaces that riot or simply remain with enough unhapiness for too long may rebel along with other nearby unhappy cities.
    Last edited by alms66; May 26, 2004, 02:56.


    • #4
      Originally posted by alms66

      You could even go so far as to say that cities with Provincial Palaces that riot or simply remain with enough unhapiness for too long may rebel along with other nearby unhappy cities.
      hi ,

      , and if a province or state is unhappy for to long , it could even join an other civ , but the original civ would be given the choice first to declare war , .....

      have a nice day
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      • #5
        hey, i wrote this in another thread, but it seems highly relevant here. thought i would share...

        i am sure this has been addressed elsewhere, but it is relevant to this topic as well. i like the idea of being able to subdivide your empire in states (maybe as a product of a tech, like federalism). the state would be four or five cities, bound together (the sum total of their cultural influence would determine the border), with a designated capitol. the border would have to continuous. this state capitol help off-set corruption, and it allows you to bring up an in depth menu for the cities in that state. so rather micromanaging on 6 different city screen, you could micromanage all six cities (and indeed the state itself) from the state screen.
        whole states could rebel, giving the fledgling civ an economic/military base to work with. this would be great: you'd be fighting chechnya-style conflicts to retain control over uppity states.
        please lay off. i'm new.


        • #6
          bumping this for Skycommando.
          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


          • #7
            Maybe the building of such an improvement and indeed use of should be limited to particular governmnets? It is rare for instance that Democratic and Communist governments build provincial palaces.

            I would suggest limiting it to Despotism, Feudalism and maybe Monarchy.

            Then for instance when four of these have been built a new government, Empire, becomes available which allows for palaces to act as corruption reducers at the risk of civil war.

            I can see that there might be a possibility of exploting this. For instance if a city rebels, you can then let it act as your science generator while you set science to zero. from time to time you start a war not to conquer but to get a good peace deal and free techs.


            • #8
              Originally posted by Tripledoc
              Maybe the building of such an improvement and indeed use of should be limited to particular governmnets? It is rare for instance that Democratic and Communist governments build provincial palaces.
              Call them "Capital Cities" for these governments then?

