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  • Facts

    In order to improve Civilization playability (and not gameplay), I would like to see 'facts' implementation.

    Instead of seeing loads of shamefull AI units move with a pain from one pointless point to another, it would be really cooler to see, to begin, one only unit move for all, this is to say A.I. STACK MOVES. The game is turn per turn, so it may be difficult to assume that we would have to look at all those units go to one point to another for each turn, just for the sake of it, and for the same amount of times than turns. Ok it can be "fun" to see those loads of units debarq in our country with no apparent end, but at the end it is just annoying and moron, and does not change anything to the final amout of units nor to the game. I think that it even hurts. Well I don't think that a "strategy game" as Civ need this, and if it would ever need of it, I would just stop play at civ. Well anyway, it is up to the designers to create the game they like to, from the beginning to the end.
    In the same way, it would be fair that instead of a pointless AI ship moving and bombarding a pointless AI city, a fact would just be displayed as our spies or explorators/reporters/observaters/tourists* would have notice some kind of this fact that would be a key about foreign affairs and foreign state of things.
    These facts could be found even in some of the player's orders (as well in AI's), like bombing, as a stack bombing (or a stack auto-bombing).

    In some same kind of thing, i would like a more configurable option-on-screen. I would like to see permanently the remaining turns for one luxury or ressource trade, or even the diplomatic screens as to know who does the war with who.
    Why Civ would have to be that a simple game, so that nothing would be needed to see on the screen, just know some shortcuts and you can really play pressing Del. (no interface) sure it is nice but hey, is this rumour or Firaxis joining Microsoft is true so that they may work with Rare? (ok i'm hating Rare )
    Well ok anyway Civ may as well be designed to be played as a "single shot" race, but IMHO the better mean to achieve this is to propose as many of the important information on the screen. and who care the "beauty", the main thing is to be playable so that we can click easily on a good amount of squares around, and here again the map zoom is important.
    Last edited by Naokaukodem; April 19, 2004, 15:29.

  • #2
    hm well the title of the topic is quite vague except if we read it, we can see that it is quite representative of the vagueness of this topic... in practice, i have to say that the "don't show enemy units" option make the deal quite goodly. Well, the AI moves are just annoying because they are long (no stack, escorting..) and plenty stupid... one thing is annoying also, some boats are very noisy like the portugal one in C3C Age of Discovery scenario.

