Many people think the current process of using workers to deal with pollution, is not realistic. Instead of creating and moving workers to polluted squares, I suggest the following:
Create a new city specialist, in addition to the 3 already available, making 4 total:
Tax Collector
Pollution Manager ****New proposal
The new pollution manager specialist will cost the city money for the cleanup operations that would otherwise have been used for other priorities, like production.
This approach will:
1. Create an ever increasing production impact as pollution increases in one or more affected cities. (If no action is taken, the pollution will dramatically lower city production, which demands player intervention to solve the problem)
2. Require more pollution managers to support the city cleanup operations as the "amount" of city pollution increases.
3. Eliminate Worker relocation to polluted squares.
I think the proposed pollution manager is a more realistic way to deal with pollution in every city and should be incorporated into Civilization 4.
Anyone agree or disagree?
Create a new city specialist, in addition to the 3 already available, making 4 total:
Tax Collector
Pollution Manager ****New proposal
The new pollution manager specialist will cost the city money for the cleanup operations that would otherwise have been used for other priorities, like production.
This approach will:

1. Create an ever increasing production impact as pollution increases in one or more affected cities. (If no action is taken, the pollution will dramatically lower city production, which demands player intervention to solve the problem)
2. Require more pollution managers to support the city cleanup operations as the "amount" of city pollution increases.
3. Eliminate Worker relocation to polluted squares.
I think the proposed pollution manager is a more realistic way to deal with pollution in every city and should be incorporated into Civilization 4.
Anyone agree or disagree?
