It is silly that you can have a huge number of units in Civ.
Consider the United States of America. Suppose one unit is one army division. How many army units does it have? Not all that many, and it's a superpower.
So it makes a lot of sense to reduce the number of units, or at least combat units, that any nation can field at any one time.
First of all, of course, is to make it a lot more expensive to build. Secondly, construct a different maintenance schme for units. Third, make it impossible to rush build combat units. Afterall, you are mainly training personnel. It doesn't matter how much $$$ you spend, you can't make more time. Forth, maybe a hard limit? I am not really in favour of this idea, though.
Consider the United States of America. Suppose one unit is one army division. How many army units does it have? Not all that many, and it's a superpower.
So it makes a lot of sense to reduce the number of units, or at least combat units, that any nation can field at any one time.
First of all, of course, is to make it a lot more expensive to build. Secondly, construct a different maintenance schme for units. Third, make it impossible to rush build combat units. Afterall, you are mainly training personnel. It doesn't matter how much $$$ you spend, you can't make more time. Forth, maybe a hard limit? I am not really in favour of this idea, though.