I really like the idea of uprisings and coups breaking out by themselves, and sometimes evolve into civil wars or wars of independence.
* Colonial nationalism
If an empire grows large, citizens in distant regions would develop their own "colonial nationality". This process would be augmented if the colonies are "rich" (in resources, city improvements etc).
* Rebellions
In a city with many citizens of foreign nationality, rebellious acts would be common - especially if there is high corruption and unhappiness. As mentioned in the "civil resistance" thread, such acts could be sponsored by a rival civilization. Rebellious acts could be strikes, sabotage or creation of guerrilla units.
* Colonial units
Units produced in a city with citizens of a foreign (or colonial) nationality would have a probability of getting that nationality flag. If there are too many colonial units, there is a risk of civil war.
* Colonial linking
Some civilizations would have another civilization as their probable "colonial nationality". Rome could have Spain or France. England woould of course have the USA, and Portugal would have Brazil.
* Revolutionary wars
A revolution from a de-centralized to a centralized government could instantly create a new nationality from parts of the civilization, representing local officials who want to preserve the old system.
* Colonial nationalism
If an empire grows large, citizens in distant regions would develop their own "colonial nationality". This process would be augmented if the colonies are "rich" (in resources, city improvements etc).
* Rebellions
In a city with many citizens of foreign nationality, rebellious acts would be common - especially if there is high corruption and unhappiness. As mentioned in the "civil resistance" thread, such acts could be sponsored by a rival civilization. Rebellious acts could be strikes, sabotage or creation of guerrilla units.
* Colonial units
Units produced in a city with citizens of a foreign (or colonial) nationality would have a probability of getting that nationality flag. If there are too many colonial units, there is a risk of civil war.
* Colonial linking
Some civilizations would have another civilization as their probable "colonial nationality". Rome could have Spain or France. England woould of course have the USA, and Portugal would have Brazil.
* Revolutionary wars
A revolution from a de-centralized to a centralized government could instantly create a new nationality from parts of the civilization, representing local officials who want to preserve the old system.