Something I've always wanted to see in a Civ game are simultaneous nuke launches. Player A launches his ICBMs at Player B, Player B gets a popup informing him that there have been launches detected from Players As silos, Player B gets to pick targets with his ICBMs and the nukes detonate at the same time.
I'd think it'd be pretty cool.
Possible fun ways to play around with this:
Perhaps, Only ICBMs are privy to this rule, so you could park some subs with tactical nukes off his coast and clobber him in a sneak attack. And if you used spies and found out an enemy had a tac nuke within striking range of one of your cities you could use diplomacy to make him move it. Cuban Missle Crisis in Civ!
Or Maybe, you only get the popup after you build the NORAD small wonder, giving you M.A.D. as a deterant before you get SDI as one.
I'd think it'd be pretty cool.
Possible fun ways to play around with this:
Perhaps, Only ICBMs are privy to this rule, so you could park some subs with tactical nukes off his coast and clobber him in a sneak attack. And if you used spies and found out an enemy had a tac nuke within striking range of one of your cities you could use diplomacy to make him move it. Cuban Missle Crisis in Civ!
Or Maybe, you only get the popup after you build the NORAD small wonder, giving you M.A.D. as a deterant before you get SDI as one.