Since the early times of Civ1, Civ has always known three kinds of resources used to pruduce things: shields, gold and population.
This thread is about the idea of spending food to get things done as well.
Food-spending is an indirect population-spending, which should be used when a population cost would be too drastic, but when you want to avoid unpopulated cities to become production powerhouses.
For example, the intensive production of military units, could cost you a little food (say, 2-4 grains upon completion), reflecting a limited loss of population that is not as drastic as losing a whole citizen, but yet hampers your growth is you use it too much.
Another example, in CtP-ish public works, would be that each public work would cost a little food to reflect for the use of workforce.
I also actually think that pop-rushing should rather be "food rushing", meaning that huge cities can pop-rush big constructions. But I understand some people would disagree with me on this one.
So what do you think?
Are food costs a good idea ?
How do you think about implementing them ?
What are the limits of the idea ?
This thread is about the idea of spending food to get things done as well.
Food-spending is an indirect population-spending, which should be used when a population cost would be too drastic, but when you want to avoid unpopulated cities to become production powerhouses.
For example, the intensive production of military units, could cost you a little food (say, 2-4 grains upon completion), reflecting a limited loss of population that is not as drastic as losing a whole citizen, but yet hampers your growth is you use it too much.
Another example, in CtP-ish public works, would be that each public work would cost a little food to reflect for the use of workforce.
I also actually think that pop-rushing should rather be "food rushing", meaning that huge cities can pop-rush big constructions. But I understand some people would disagree with me on this one.
So what do you think?
Are food costs a good idea ?
How do you think about implementing them ?
What are the limits of the idea ?