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Some navy ideas... invincible aramada and blockade

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  • Some navy ideas... invincible aramada and blockade

    - invincible armada
    it kind of tickles my realism nerves when I'm told that past a certain technology, no disaster could ever happen to a ship, which can safely go around the poles for example

    the invincible armada was in fact, defeated - by sea storms and huge waves, in the Channel - is it pushing too much to hope for a kind of "sh... can happen" tuning?

    - blockade
    I know a piece of land has some resources, which are traded with other lands or islands via harbors - what about the idea of blocking the trade route? either stacking ships just at the harbours' mouths, or maybe somewhere in a sea strait?

    - Civ world shape: cylinder only? has the possibility of giving this world a more natural spheric shape been discuted? that migh give the pole route a natural advantage, which could be balanced by banquise or heavy risks of sinking, more so in earlier period...
    Last edited by Childeric; January 7, 2004, 19:31.
    Lernu la internacian lingvon!

  • #2
    - invincible armada
    it kind of tickles my realism nerves when I'm told that past a certain technology, no disaster could ever happen to a ship, which can safely go around the poles for example

    the invincible armada was in fact, defeated - by sea storms and huge waves, in the Channel - is it pushing too much to hope for a kind of "sh... can happen" tuning?

    Do you know how annoying it would be if you lost an ENTIRE ATTACK FORCE in one turn to the RNG?

    - blockade
    I know a piece of land has some resources, which are traded with other lands or islands via harbors - what about the idea of blocking the trade route? either stacking ships just at the harbours' mouths, or maybe somewhere in a sea strait?

    Make it have GalCiv-style NPC transports, which you can destroy. Destroy enough in a certain period of time and the trade stops until a transport gets through.


    • #3
      Originally posted by skywalker

      Do you know how annoying it would be if you lost an ENTIRE ATTACK FORCE in one turn to the RNG?
      RNG attrition would probably be OK. Doesn't have to be an all or nothing deal.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #4
        Re: Some navy ideas... invincible armada and blockade

        Originally posted by Childeric
        - invincible armada
        it kind of tickles my realism nerves when I'm told that past a certain technology, no disaster could ever happen to a ship, which can safely go around the poles for example
        The Poles have a navy to go around?
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