Originally posted by Arrian
In response to Dominae's 2nd idea:
I'm not sure I like the idea of having the city tile itself have much of an effect besides possibly happiness (which in turn could have an effect on other things). Building on a desert tile, IMO, should not directly effect production. But indirectly, because the people are pissed off you plunked them down in a desert, it wouldn't be as good as a city built on grassland next to a river.
In response to Dominae's 2nd idea:
I'm not sure I like the idea of having the city tile itself have much of an effect besides possibly happiness (which in turn could have an effect on other things). Building on a desert tile, IMO, should not directly effect production. But indirectly, because the people are pissed off you plunked them down in a desert, it wouldn't be as good as a city built on grassland next to a river.
I'm not a big fan of directly relating terrain to happiness as you propose; it's a bit counter-intuitive (see MOO and GalCiv). It makes sense that terrain should directly affect production. Population problems should be kept seperate and be dealt with seperately. In other words, you've settled in a fertile/productive area, but unless you keep your populace happy, you'll lose control; the people are not going to be happy by default just because there are some great iron ore mines next to their homes.