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The Replay and Demographics

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  • The Replay and Demographics

    I know somepeople don't like it BUT...I LOVE the replay, especially after an 'epic' game!

    I like seeing the spread of my empires colour across the map, and seeing the events.

    I'd like to see more 'Great Events' recorded in the replay like:

    -great battles, given names. Great battle is defined as X units attacking in X turns. user defined, x=0 turns this feature off

    -commissioning of great ships (battleships, ships of the line, carriers)

    -some more amusing text recording the total elimination of a civ (ruthlessly razed or something)

    I also liked some of the more 'eye-candy' demographics, but I don't have any ideas on what to change/add here
    "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
    "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
    "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.

  • #2
    Re: The Replay and Demographics

    Originally posted by Seeker
    I know somepeople don't like it BUT...I LOVE the replay, especially after an 'epic' game!

    I like seeing the spread of my empires colour across the map, and seeing the events.

    I'd like to see more 'Great Events' recorded in the replay like:

    -great battles, given names. Great battle is defined as X units attacking in X turns. user defined, x=0 turns this feature off

    -commissioning of great ships (battleships, ships of the line, carriers)

    -some more amusing text recording the total elimination of a civ (ruthlessly razed or something)

    I also liked some of the more 'eye-candy' demographics, but I don't have any ideas on what to change/add here
    I like the replay too although it is a bit too slow for my taste. But indeed seeing my empire spreading out is very satisfactory


    • #3
      I also support the replay... with adjustable speed and triggerable events (of course )

      For example: I may want to only see
      -Founding Cities/Conquering Cities

      or I may want to see
      -Unit Movements and Troop Movements highlighted... along with arrows detailing major offensives... (ones where more than 2-3 units went down the same path into enemy territory) (This would be a new feature)
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      • #4
        Replays are nice, but they're not on my priority list. Wouldn't you agree that better gameplay is preferable?
        In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


        • #5
          I love the map replay and the histograph, and would be quite disappointed if they disappear. The histograph does not have to play from the beginning, all I need is the final summary of the entire game. I love seeing the point where one civ dies and the others fill its space. I do not like the recording of Great Events in the replay. It slows it down. It could be an option whether you want them and also with the terrain types on the map. I want to be able to view the replay of a previously played game at any time. I do not think the inclusion of otherwise of the replay will mean any loss to the gameplay.


          • #6
            Replays are nice, but they're not on my priority list. Wouldn't you agree that better gameplay is preferable?
            As long as the gameplay is equivalent to Civ II's... I'd rather have the Replay than any improvement

            The histograph and the replay and the "You have the leadership capabilities of Al Gore Graph" are integral parts of Civ
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            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

