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Slavery, Colonial Revolutions etc

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  • Slavery, Colonial Revolutions etc

    It would be nice for Firaxis to tackle slavery, as controversial an issue as it is. I propose the system from CtP where you have slavers and the slaves add to the citizenry but only eat half food. If you have less guards than slaves, revolution chance goes up.

    On the subject of revolutions, I'd like colonial revolutions... where if your people are far away from your capital and you have lost "respect", they revolt.

  • #2
    Be careful what you wish for. For single play, slavery, as is in CtP/2, is a blatant cheese tactic.

    In MP too, given the right circumstances... consider an example that was posted in the CtP2 forum today: a MP player intentionally lets barbarians take a city, then that city sends out units, piecemeal, which are then slaved... in effect, its a slave factory, meaning a massive pop boom.


    • #3
      Perhaps you can't enslave your own people?


      • #4
        I wouldn't mind seeing slavery, but agree with Mr. Baggins that the CtP style slavery was a bit exploitable. Too much so for my tastes.

        It's too late for me to try to think about another system right now, and it isn't something I've given a lot of thought to. Does anyone out there have a proposal for a good slavery system?


        • #5
          Colonial Revolutions

          Immigration, I guess. One Civ can mix with another. Sometimes you conquer a civ and mix with the natives. This land can be under your control or not. It can have a revolution.


          • #6
            The solution isn't that tough... institute a points system, where it takes a certain number of units and citizens enslaved to create a single slave.

            Only a certain number of people would be suitable, and many warriors would be killed rather than captured, so keep it to a low ratio.

