Originally posted by MrBaggins
Not sure if wrylachlan isn't still saying keep individual unit attacks... and with a few to several hundred attacking units, thats about as fun as root canal, even if they move as one.
Not sure if wrylachlan isn't still saying keep individual unit attacks... and with a few to several hundred attacking units, thats about as fun as root canal, even if they move as one.
The micro of vast amounts of units, IMHO is a totally separate issue, which also desperately needs to be dealt with, but my above suggestion is not related to that.
That said, it does lend itself to the idea of stacked combat. If you have a stack with 2 catapults, 5 archers, and 10 swordsman, if would make sense to me to be able to to a stacked attack which would cause the cats to bombard first, then the ranged to attack the enemy melee, and if you manage to kill the enemy melee, the swordsmen would rush the enemy ranged units. If you haven't killed the enemy melee by the time it's your melee's turn to attack, you might get a pop-up saying "Do you wish to press the attack by charging their lines?"
Originally posted by hexagonian
A question
In a defensive situation, how many times does each defending ranged unit in a stack of units get to defend if involved a melee-ranged combo?
Say you have 1 ranged and 10 melees in your defensive stack. The attacker sends in his attackers on at a time. Does that ranged unit assist in every attack until it is destroyed?
A question
In a defensive situation, how many times does each defending ranged unit in a stack of units get to defend if involved a melee-ranged combo?
Say you have 1 ranged and 10 melees in your defensive stack. The attacker sends in his attackers on at a time. Does that ranged unit assist in every attack until it is destroyed?
I would say that once a ranged unit has counterattacked during a turn, it can't help the melee units out. Therefore if I run a flanking manuever, even if I don't manage to kill all the enemies ranged units, I've kept them busy which makes it easier for my melee units to attack their melee units.
One of the results of a system such as this is that it would make flanking very powerful. To counteract this, maybe "defensive units" require you to have a bigger angle in order to flank. If you are trying to flank a tile with no "defensive units" you only need a 45 degree angle. If there are "defensive units" you need 90 degrees, and if they are fortified it goes up to 135. There is no flanking a city. To give cavalry the advantage they historically had, and differentiate them in the game, cavalry have a 45 degree flanking bonus. So that they can flank a fortified tile with defenders from only 90 degrees.
A direct result of this is that terrain becomes much much more important. If you can control a choke point where its harder for the enemy to flank you, you have a real advantage. Obviously ZOC has to come back in some way to make this work.
Originally posted by Mr.Baggins You mention Ranged & Melee attacking also. How would this work in terms of repeatability.
E.G. Does a melee attacker "cooperating" with a ranged attacker mean that the ranged attacker is "used" in any manner, by your method...
E.G. Does a melee attacker "cooperating" with a ranged attacker mean that the ranged attacker is "used" in any manner, by your method...
When the melee unit attacks, the ranged unit doesn't come into play. This forces you to attack with your ranged first then your melee to get the best advantage, which is also the logical order of attack in a battle anyways.
Do you only require one ranged attacker in an offensive group to gain this advantage? How would you keep track?
On the defensive side, the ranged units become much more useful, as they get to cooperate as long as the melee line holds. This is also logical in realworld terms, since fortification is much more of a force multiplier for ranged units than it is for melee units.
Originally posted by skywalker The fact that it really shouldn't be distinguishable in Civ. I view the rock-paper-scissors triange as being foot-horse-arty, not ranged-melee-horse or ranged-melee-arty.
Also I don't really think of it as a rocks-paper-scissors thing, so much as a combined arms thing. To my mind, a mixed army should be significantly more powerful than an army of only one type. Sure a horde of sordwmen will overwhelm a bunch of archers, but put a couple of swordsmen to stem the charge, and those archers become deadly.
Also note, its not an either or thing with foot, horse, arty, being changed to something else, so much as its broken out into melee,ranged,cavalry,artillery or even melee defender, melee attacker, ranged, cavalry, artillery.
The way I see it, a 1.2 attacking a 2.1 should be an even fight