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[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

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  • [UXP] Legends of Revolutions

    Legends of Revolution

    Unofficial Expansion Project

    The Goal of Legends of Revolution is to simulate a "commercially viable" expansion pack. As with any good expansion pack a new base concept is introduced: Revolutions, which carries with it concepts like barbarian civs, battles effecting national borders, and civil wars. Further certain gaping holes in the unit progression of default cIV are filled; like the much needed bombard, and steam ship navies of the Industrial era are flushed out. Overall Legends of Revolution has been built with the idea that more is not better, rather the goal has been to add in needed units for balance, and concepts that enhance gameplay.

    There are many mods available for those interested in "expansions" that add in dozens of new units and 100s of leaderheads, or go for a content driven approach. Legends is built with a coherency driven philosophy. There are a couple new leaders, and civs and units for sure, and some some damn fine concepts introduced. The expansion here is smooth, well thought, and balanced, the change to Legends of Revolution from Beyond the Sword is similar to the change from Vanilla Civ4 to Beyond the Sword. Currently there are no known critical bugs in Legends; it is completely stable.


    1) Make sure you have BtS 3.19, if not, get BtS and update it to 3.19!
    2) Download Legends of Revolution v0.9.3 (beta)
    3) Install

    Legends of Revolution is packaged in an NSIS installer .exe, installing is as simple as double clicking. On installation you will be given the option to create shortcuts to the mod, so that you can easily play it by launching from the desktop, and/or Start menu. No need to load or alter your regular BtS game in any way. I designed this mod with stability being a core necessity, 99% of users will experience no issues. Though like any software, there have been some known machine specific issues, see known bugs in the second post below for troubleshooting information if any problems occur.

    Introduced Concepts:

    The concepts incorporated in this mod are introduced from the RevolutionDCM mod by glider1 and jdog5000 as well as those like Moctezuma, PieceOfMind, and EmperorFool who have produced the components that really bring RevDCM together. The intruduced concepts are toggleable in the custom games start up, you may enable or disable them as per your tastes.

    Revolutions: Cities now have a revolution index. This is negatively effected by such things as distance from your capital, Non State religion, wars going poorly, a poor economic state, etc. Revolutionary sentiment is quelled by troop garrisons, building of wonders, communication technology, culture spending, success in war, etc.
    If a city or a group of cities gets frustrated with their empire's rule, they will demand independence; If refused they may openly rebel. This causes armed uprising, and entire new civilizations may spawn taking over sections of large sprawling empires. Balkanization can occur in empires that are not well maintained, or sometimes the rebels will topple the old regime completely. Well managed empires have no problems.

    Legend Units: Think of these as wonders for warmongers. Legends are not incorporated from Revolutions, and are not toggleable like all other concepts listed here, they are core to the mod. There are ten Legends, and each may only be built once. As an example the first Legend to be available is 300 Spartans, which is a melee unit with 5 and 100% bonus vs melee, 50% vs Mounted, 50% defense vs early mounted units, and 50% defense against archers. 300 Spartans starts with Drill1, Guerilla1, and Formation, however it comes with the hammer price of 4 axeman/spearmen. All legends are similar to this in strength, though the 300 might be the most powerful because of when it becomes available (bronze working and polytheism).

    Barbarian Civ: Barbarian cities that develop high culture or get large may settle down, spawning entire new civilizations.

    Start as Minor Tribes: Simulates the chaos of early history. All civs are treated by the game as barbarian (Unit color, flags and borders still show, you are aware of who is around you, they just cannot be peacefully interacted with) until they discover the technology of Writing, and may engage in diplomacy with other civilizations that have discovered writing.

    Influence Driven War: Battles have an effect on the cultural depth of tiles. This means that in war the borders of empires become dynamic, and will shift according to those who succede in their war.

    Unaltered Gameplay Enhancements:

    Interface: The BUG mod is fully incorporated into Legends. The current version is 3.6 The enhancements to the interface are too numerous to count. If you haven't tried BUG you will be blown away by how much easier it is to get information, and how well everything is displayed.

    Better AI: Better AI v 0.78c has been incorporated. Making the AI much smarter, especially at warfare. You will probably need to drop a difficulty level from what you are used to in BtS when playing this mod.

    Art: Ethnic Unit art has been expanded. Overall the game will look much prettier.

    Units and Civs
    The bulk of the unit art and civilizations have been incorporated from the Wolfshanze mod. This mod was used because the overall changes were small, but needed. Overall the core game is touched very little. A few leaders, civilzations and a couple wonders (including Leonardo's Workshop!) have been added, techs and units have been added to smooth things out from BtS. Overall the focus of added units and technologies has been in the industrial era, where the interesting tech progression and unit steps found in the Mideval era fell flat in BtS. With Legends of Revolution, the unit progression stays paced like durring that period of gameplay through the End Game.

    I always enjoy receiving feedback, so please feel free to post and let me know what you think, and any ideas you have to improve this mod.
    Last edited by phungus420; June 23, 2009, 07:19.

  • #2
    A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

    Unit Upgrade Chart:


    Leonardo's Workshop:



    More Civilopedia shots


    Q: Why do you call this an unofficial expansion pack, aren't there a lot of those?
    A: Sort of. The goal of this mod is not to add content for contents sake. Most of the expansion based mods are filled with lots of things, dozens of new leaders, civs, units, etc. This Mod definatly adds a couple of these things, but they are tempered. The additions are in line with what you'd see in a commercially available expansion pack. Further this mod is very stable, there are no known critical bugs in it. And finally it includes all the known common sense modcomps that have been created by the community, such as BUG, and Better AI.

    Q: Why is it a beta then?
    A: It's almost out of Beta now actually . There are also a couple issues I need to address before I consider this a full instead of a beta build: First, and most importantly, the causes of Revolutions aren't fully transparent. Though it is much better. You should check out this thread, where I am trying to get jdog to better expose Revolution causation: Revolutions: Core Issues. The other main thing I need to do is incorporate some of the promotion concepts from the History of the Three Kingdoms mod to fully flush out the Legends Concept. Finally there are a couple minor aesthetic things, like I want to get an opening screen, and split and have new music for the Modern/Future era.

    Q: I install, but when I try to play, it crashes?
    A: You need to patch the game to 3.19. Fireaxis's automatic updater fails, so you need to download the patch from this site, and manually install it:
    That pretty much always solves the issue. If you patch the game, and still have a problem, please post in this thread, and I'll see what I can do. Also related to this is the fact that scenarios are not cross mod compatible, so if you try to load a scenario, it must be Legends compatible. I have included 3 scenarios that are denoted as such in the download.

    Q: I get some message that pops up saying failed to write some ini files, I can still play the game, but this is telling me there is an error. What is wrong?
    A: On a computer that uses Vista you must "Launch as Admin"; programs that run and don't have admin rights are restricted by Vista's security protocols from creating new ini files, or overwriting old ones. Because this mod uses the BUG UI, BUG needs to be able to write new ini files to set everything up, and it needs to be able to overwrite these same ini files to adjust things based on options you make to customize the BUG interface.

    Q: The art looks all messed up, I mean really bad, there are multiple unit models, and they switch to new ones, and the buttons are all blurry, and even though I run the game in frozen animations mode some models like the worker still animate. What's a matter with the unit art?
    A: The mod can't be run in frozen animation mode. The Ethnic art just wol't work in the frozen mode, and fixing this would require litterally thousands of man hours by a dedicated modeler. So For all intents and purposes this can't be fixed, and wol't be. You must turn animations on for this mod to work correctly.

    Q: Why does this mod run slower then BtS?
    A: Firstly, this mod has been built around performance. I have taken great care to only use reasonably sized textured and poly count models, more so then any other modpack available, bar none. Poly count and texture size is the #1 cause of slowdown and MAF crashes (memory allocation failures), in fact the model standards for Legends of Revolution isn't that much different then BtS. That said this game is slightly more taxing on a computer's resources then standard BtS. 3 things cause this. 1st the mod uses betterAI, a smarter AI has more to think about, and if the computer resources are already being overloaded, this can cause the game to stall longer in between turns. Secondly BUG introduces a feature called Plot List Enhancements. These can be used to more quickly gain information from unit stacks, etc. Unfortunately the code for them is all in python, and is a bit overloaded, IMHO, that said alot of people will only play with the PLE. If you are noticing slow down and reduced performance accessing the BUG options (press Ctrl + Alt + O), and disabling the Plot List Enhancements (or PLE) options will definatly improve things. Lastly because this is meant to simulate an expansion pack and has come out more then 2 years after BtS, the poly count and texture size limit is slightly larger then Stock BtS. All of these combined really don't add to much, but it is still slightly more resource intensive then Beyond the Sword is. The main ways to improve performance are to reduce your map size, or get more RAM for your computer.

    Known Bugs:
    • Critical:
      • None known of in the 0.9.3 build
      • If you do experience a critical bug (a reproduceable crash or fatal hang, or anything else that causes the game not to work and you can reproduce it --ie you have a save that if you load the critical bug reocures) please post in this thread and upload the save with the critical issue as this will allow me to isolate and squash it.

    • Major:
      • Some Revolutions Idxs are hidden from the user. This is being addressed

    • Minor:
      • For some reason when the Revolution warning pop up displays the Text call python makes for "And" isn't being called correctly. This should work, I see nothing wrong with the code here (and neither do a dozen other people), and this is trivial call, it's quite odd... Anyway when you see REV_TXT_AND it means And...
      • Clicking on a legend unit in the Sevopedia drops you back to the Units list. You can still get the info you need, it just makes browsing not as streamlined as I like. I need to look more at how the Wonders and regular building code is handled in the Python to fix this.
      • Not really a bug, but I could really use some translations for non english players. If you're willing to translate please visit this mod's project forum and post in the Text and Translations thread.

    Test Build
    There is currently no test build available

    Legends of Revolution 0.9.3 (beta):
    • Updated RevDCM component to 2.50
      • This udpates betterAI to 0.78c and makes the mod 3.19 compliant
      • Adds scrolling scoreboard
      • Better exposer of Revolution Indexes
    • Created New Civilopedia entry for LoR concepts. Moved BtS concepts to main game concepts section
    • Fixed missing text issue for Non English Modes
    • Minor tweaks to techs and units
    • Split Native American Civ into Iroquois and Sioux nations
    • Added Blue Marble optional add on
    • New ethnic art for aesthetics, lots of cleaning up of the Art to improve performance and size of mod
    • Various typos and minor bug fixes

    Version History
    Legends beta: 0.9.3x
    -Updated RevDCM component to 2.50 -BtS 3.19 compatible
    --Includes Better AI 0.78c
    -Minor tweaks to techs and units, most notable is the Pikeman, which gains 100% vs Melee
    -Split Native American Civ into Iroquious and Sioux nations
    -Tweaked early siege by reducing strength and max damage. This should keep their survivability
    --where it is now, but increase the need for main assault troops.
    -Added Blue Marble optional add on
    -Added 100+ new ethnic models from VD thanks to achilleszero
    -Cleaned up Ethnic City Art to improve performance, thanks to achilleszero
    -Repacked art
    -Various typos and minor bug fixes by Alsark

    Testing Changelog:
    Legends beta: 0.9.2x *Not save game compatible with previous builds
    -Updated RevDCM component to 2.00
    --Includes Better AI 0.70f
    -Minor tweaks to tech tree, the most notable is the fact Nationalism now requires Divine Right
    -Repacked art, trimmed more fat from Wolfshanze.fpk
    --hopefully made ethnic art more visible to low settings
    -Various typos and minor bug fixes to issues reported in main thread
    -Reshuffled leader traits as per achilleszero's list
    -minor tweaks to traits (Protective and Enlightened gain a building or two with double production)
    -moved most of the LoR python code to the SDK. Makes everything more tidy code wise, but also has real gameplay improvements, such as proper displaying of all known effects (Enlightened Trait previously did not display correctly)

    Legends beta: 0.9.1x
    -Added test build version and installation for dev testing
    -Added double unit cost to upgrade if unit upgrades to different UnitCombatType, reduced overall cost of upgrades by 33% to compensate
    -Moved Enlightened trait effects to SDK, information now displays correctly, also AI now knows of non state culture
    -Moved Leonardo's Workshop functionality to SDK
    -Moved Early Flyer to Legends category to remove from unit upgrade chart

    Legends beta: 0.9.0x
    -Added Unit Ethnic art, mostly related to Jet and strike fighters
    -Some minor tweaks to ethnic art

    Legends beta: 0.8.2 Released 29April 2009
    -Fixes bug found in start game options

    Legends beta: 0.8.1 Released 28 April 2009
    *Not savegame compatible with previous builds.
    -Updated Ethnic art, specifically strike fighter models
    -Few minor bug fixes
    -Repacked Art, cut out fat from Wolfshanze.fpk (unused art)
    -Removed Scenarios from optional add on, included in full install

    Legends beta: 0.8.0 (test release in thread only)
    -Bronze, Steam & Tears renamed to: Legends of Revolution
    -Recompiled Gamecore
    --Added Barbarian World game start option
    -Seperated out Legend Units on Sevopedia, removed from Unit upgrade chart
    -Added Optional Add on component (source code and scenarios)
    -Updated WorldWarWolfshanze scenario to Legends mod
    -button fix from 0.7 build

    BST beta: 0.7.0 (test release in thread only)
    -Updated to Revolutions 1.02
    -Fixed Mulitple Legend Unit spawns for Barbarian Civ and Revolution Reinforcements
    -ACO version updated to 1.0
    -Recompiled Gamecore
    --Return to 50 Civ dll
    -Initial implementation of BST functioning Scenarios

    BST beta: 0.6.0 released 21 April 09
    -Added icon for setup and BST launch
    -Added new ethnic art
    -Fixed animation issues with Paradropping units (special forces and SAS)
    -Tweak to Promotions: Guerrilla and Woodsman promotions now gain 20/30/40 attack and defense in thier respective terrains.
    -Tweak to Units, mostly involving pathfinder and variants
    -Minor tweak to enlightened trait, recieves +15% science bonus -other commerce type % bonuses removed
    -Madrassa moved to University
    -Gave Serfdom a purpose, now builds military with food, however -1 health and increased City Distance Rev penalty

    Bronze Steam and Tears 0.5.1 patch released 21 April 2009
    -fixed button crash from armored scout (was 64x65 pixels, when it needs to be 64x64)
    -New gamecore with GG's tile bomb bug fix, and Examine City on Conquest return city bug fix
    -Fixed Typo/Bug in PromotionsInfos, which caused collateral damage to be a prerequisite for drill 3 & 4

    Bronze Steam and Tears 0.5.0 (beta) released 12 April 2009
    -Greatly improves performance over WolfRevolution by removing the rediculously high poly units from the Wolfshanze base mod
    -Rebalanced certain units to improve gameplay, and more logical unit progression
    -Added legend units concept
    -Packed art in own fpk
    -Introduced full install for ease of the user
    -Some minor tweaks from 0.4 alpha build
    -Recompiled gamecore, added in Examine City on conquest functionality, reduced max civs to 34 to make the mod more useable for scenario makers
    -Reimplemented a rebuilt Revolution taxes model, identical to Wolfshanze 1.3.3 build (computed by finding the ratio of expenses to total earned commerce types rather then gold rate--allows for more novel economic strategies, while still retaining an economic revolutions component)

    BST alpha: 0.4.0
    -Added All planned units
    -slight tweaks to tech tree & Units
    -Added Legendary units
    -Renamed all "Early" units

    BST alpha: 0.3.0
    -Slight tweaks to units
    -slight tweaks to tech tree
    -Added Enlightened Trait
    -Added UCAV & Strike Fighters

    BST alpha 0.2.0
    -Slight tweaks to a few units.
    -Implemented Gunships, upgrade for original gunship, which has been renamed Air Cav
    -Implemented SF and Air Assault upgrades for paratrooper
    -Implemented new invisible type, Deep See Sub
    -Removed ability to see submarines from most aircraft
    -Added in Assault Mech, end game unit
    -Fully implemented extreme climate farms and cottages
    -Traits have been altered slightly: Spiritual gets double bonus against revlutions from state religion
    -Removed Expansive's 25% culture from previous build. Settlers have now been give a flat 1 -movment. Expansive get free moral and mobility on Settlers and Recon Units.
    -Organized get a bonus stability to revolutions
    -Protective have their bonus applied to trench units, as well as gun and archery
    -Removed Taxes Revolution effects

    BST alpha: 0.1.0
    -Removed all 2000+ poly units from the Wolfshanze core art
    -Altered Tech tree
    -Rebuilt naval unit progression, and Unit types
    -Tweaked Classic and Ancient era units slightly. The most noticeable will be the new axeman str of 4
    -Implemented frontiersman unit, upgrade to explorer. 6 strength, upgrades to cavalry
    -Implemented Motorized infantry, and tweaked relevant gunpowder units accordingly.
    -Added in armored scout, upgrade for Cav, cavs are no longer available till gunships
    -Imperialist leaders get a bonus against city distance Revolution penalty
    -Added See submarine ability to most aircraft
    -Expansive given +25% culture

    Other notes:

    This Mod has it's own Subforum, Visit it here:
    Legends of Revolution Subforum

    This mod uses an installer and like most programs signs itself to the Registry. If you remove this mod, don't just delete it. To uninstall either access it through the control panel, and remove like any other program, or go into the LoR folder and double click on the uninstall icon, the uninstaller with completely remove LoR and it's RegKey
    Last edited by phungus420; June 23, 2009, 07:20.


    • #3

      Legends of Revolution would not have been possible without the work of other moders. Many thanks to:

      The Legends of Revolution Dev Team:
      phungus420, achilleszero, Alsark

      EmperorFool, Good Game, and Snarko. These three have made it possible to expand the mod beyond it's humble begginings in WolfRevolution. EF for all his help in the Python SDK forum, Good Game for making it possible to clean up the Wolfshanze high poly units, and Snarko for helping me on IRC late night when I was coding things above my level (self taught C++ and Python here). Also PieceOfMind deserves a shoutout for his Advanced Combat Modcomp, a great modcomp incorporated here (and the modcomp that actually motivated me enough to learn some C++). I also greatly appreciate the help and feedback from nudden, The Capo, Refar, Zebra9, Dresden and others for providing me with useful feedback and help essential to the building of Legends of Revolution.
      Oh yes and Deon for his button, also snipperrabbit!! for helping with that too, of course Edgecrusher for his compilation of Heros Units (though I did have to abandon his code, and write my own for it, I still [s]stole[/s] utilized alot of his art). Oh and smeagolheart's Examine City on Conquest modcomp is great too. Oh, and mechaerik for getting the parradrop animations working on the SF units, along with making some Ethnic variants.
      Let me know if I am leaving anyone else out...

      Legends of Revolution was originally built out of WolfRevolution, a merge of the Wolfshanze mod and Revolution DCM. To get more in depth information on the mods that Legends of Revolution was built from, check out these links:
      Wolfshanze's Revolution thread
      Wolfshanze mod thread
      RevolutionDCM thread
      Those who created RevolutionDCM and the Wolfshanze mod also deserve credit, without them Legends of Revolution would not have been possible:

      And those who he credits in his mod:
      Refar, Elhoim, kodzi, Danrell, Hadrean, Snafusmith, Bernie, GeneralMatt, Houman, Zerver, asio, The Coyote and others

      glider1 & jdog5000:
      And those who he credits in his mod:
      Moctezuma--creater or IDW, Ruff_Hi--BUGmaster, Dale, Trojan Sheep, Solver, Dresden, Orion Veteran and others.
      Last edited by phungus420; June 23, 2009, 07:20.


      • #4
        Downloaded - looking forward to this.

        I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


        • #5

          A user discovered a major bug in the 0.8.1 build, so be sure to download the patch. Though I think given when you posted, you have probably downloaded 0.8.2 anyway. Just want to make sure you know though.


          • #6

            Actually I do have 0.8.1.

            I'll get the patch now.
            I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


            • #7
              Any feedback?


              • #8
                I fully intend to dive into this phungus, I've just been absorbed by FFH2 lately.


                • #9
                  Updated to 0.9.3

                  BtS 3.19 compliant

