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Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization (BTS)

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  • Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization (BTS)

    Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization v 1.25

    Last updated February 3rd 2009
    Screenshots at download page

    Welcome to the dawn of time! Here you will be able to play as some of the first civilizations in history, such as the; Sumerians, Phoenicians, Mycenaeans, and many more. There is thirteen civilizations that you can play, but due to the lack of written records at this time period I wasn't always able to place accurate to time leaders but I did place accurate to greatness in the leaders I chose.

    Whats happening in the World:
    The year is 4000BC. The world is just establishing the first civilizations that left their mark in are history. Great Empires like the Babylonians and the Egyptians are just arising by establishing written languages and learning basic mathematical principals. But other more warlike Empires like the Assyrians are training and mobilizing their troops in preparation of battle. And yet other Empires are starting to explore the world and establish new settlements.

    Barbaric Empires:
    I have also added two barbarian tribes that frequently pillaged their neighbors before the arrival of the Roman Empire. These two Barbaric Empires are the Scythians and the Tracians. These civilizations are human playable.

    New Leader(s):
    So far I have added one new Leader that I made, King Minos of Knossos. I have a Menes of Egypt and Mursilis already made they just need a bit of tweaking before I add them. I'm hoping to have unique leader art for all my Civs!

    Scenario Description:
    Mesopotamia is no ordinary scenario! First it starts in 4000BC with some of the world best Empires along with their one of their best rulers. Second unlike other scenarios that go up throughout the ages, instead Mesopotamia never leaves the BC's and is designed for warmongers! It's designed for warmongers in that it ends in 50BC and has all your favorite game options and settings set, like; Aggressive AI, New Random Seed on Reload, Require Complete Kills, and Advanced Start. One truly unique part of this scenario is not just that the civs have unique city names, but when you start the game you start where the civ you’re playing as did and instead of starting with preplaced units, cities, etc you get to place your own with the newly added advanced start option! Game speed: Marathon game speed max turns 470 (Game ends at 50BC). Victory Conditions: Time, Conquest, Domination, and Diplomatic victories are enabled.

    Future Plans:
    For the next release I hope to add Either the Persian Empire or an earlier inhabitant of that region. I will also do as suggested by JEELEN and fix the map up a bit. I also want to complete the Zoroastrian religion so it has a unique wonder and it's own Cathedral and Monastery style buildings. And write up civilopedia entries for all my civs and leaders!

    Download Here

    Credits and Special thanks:
    The Navy Seal for making the scenario, researching civilizations, leaders, and making the scenario a reality.
    Designers of the Warlord Scenario Alexander the Great for making the map.

  • #2
    Civilization Info:

    Egyptian Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    The Wheel and Agriculture.
    Ruler: Menes.

    Babylonian Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    The Wheel and Agriculture.
    Ruler: Hammurabi.

    Phoenician Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Fishing and Agriculture.
    Ruler: Hiram.

    Sumerian Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    The Wheel and Agriculture.
    Ruler: Gilgamesh.

    Hittite Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Mining and the Wheel.
    Ruler: Mursilis.

    Mede Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Mining and the Wheel.
    Ruler: Cyaxares.

    Indus Valley Civilization:
    Starting Technologies:
    Mysticism and Mining.
    Ruler: Chandragupta.

    Mycenaean Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Hunting and Mining
    Ruler: Agamemnon.
    Assyrian Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Fishing and The Wheel.
    Ruler: Shamshi Abad I.

    Thracian Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Hunting and Mining
    Ruler: Sitalkes.

    Scythian Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Hunting and Agriculture
    Ruler: Ateas.

    Minoan Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Fishing and Agriculture
    Ruler: King Minos of Knossos.

    Israelite Empire:
    Starting Technologies:
    Hunting and Agriculture
    Ruler: King David.

    Put first post by my other account by mistake lol


    • #3
      Scenario Strategy:
      The AI is going to be a bit nasty (Aggressive AI is on!) so you’ll have to beat them to an offensive. Even if you lose a battle you can reload and have a chance of still winning (New random seed on Reload is on!) not to mention every game will be different. Be careful in your offensives make sure you get every enemy unit you can find or they’ll get you even if they don’t have any cities (Require complete kills is on!). You will also have to act fast with only 470 turns and 3,950 years to work with! If you can’t win a conquest or domination try to blitz to Theology and build the Apostolic Palace, or try to rack up as many points as you can. I find that the Egyptians and Sumerians are the easiest civs to play as, but are some of the harder ones to win as because you have more access to food but less to hammers. If your going to try for a Conquest or Domination play as a civ that is in a central location on the map. I like to play as a civ that is easy to play then move on to the more challenging ones once I get used to the feel of things (and see where every thing on the map is).

      Version Info:
      For v1.25 I fixed Zoroastrianism Fire Temple bug and also changed tracian leader name, and did some other minor tweaks!

      I have as suggested added two new civs in this release which include; the Minoan Civilization and the Israelite Civilization. I have also added unique art for King Minos. I have also added civilopedia entries for the leaders some with civilopedia entries as well but all leaders now have there own unique traits favorite civic and religion.

      I've added three new civilizations since the last release which include: Assyria, Thrace, and Scythia. I have also renamed the Indus Valley Civilization to, the Guptan Empire. I have also fixed the Religion Icon bug sort of. When Zoroastrianism is in your city it shows the Taoism icon still but I will hopefully fix that soon.

