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[BtS Mod] WOLFSHANZE MOD (Industrial Age & Naval)
I have bts with 3,17 patch. I downloaded this mod, copied to bts/mods folder, loaded it from original bts, but when it tries to load the component after wolfshanze init engine, the program exits. Whats the problem?
Other question: when starts this mod? az 4000 BC, or at the industrial age?
Thanks for the answers!
There is alot of ethnic unit art. Some nations share art though, for instance many asian nations share models, european, etc, of course there is alot of unit art that is unique to each civilization.
You need to patch your game. Also check out Wolfshanz'e Revolution (or even better Legends of Revolution), as these install themselves and contain a couple bug fixes from Straight Wolfshanze along with improved AI.
I've downloaded both of the mods, but Legends of Revolution doesnt start. If i click on it, nothing happens. Wolfshanz'e Revolution exits at the same time, as the original wolfeshanze mod. Also when it tries to load the graphic component. I dont know, what should i do(
You need to patch your game:
Beyond the Sword 3.17 patch
The in game autoupdater is buggy, so alot of people need to manually patch to 3.17.
Of course. I can load it all from original bts/advanced/load a mod, but after that if i try to start a game, and click on "launch", at "init graphic..." or something, the game exits to the windows. I have read in a description of a mod, that it needs medium graphic setting. I tried this setting in Bts/options/graphic, but the problem hadn't been solved. Any suggestion?
Sorry, my english isn't good
If I understand you correctly, you have installed several mods (not just this one) and are having this error on ALL of them.
I don't think your in-game options settings will cause this. And I also do not think it is the "fault" of this mod.
My best guess is that you are installing all of your mods incorrectly or you have installed the game incorrectly. Either in the wrong place, or something. Or, perhaps, you have not patched your game. I believe the following all need to be true:
-- you need BtS installed
-- you need BtS patch 3.17 installed
-- (not sure about this one, but it's a good idea anyway) you need the unofficial patch to 3.17 installed
-- you need to be running BtS (not the base game).
-- you need to have the mod installed in the BtS / mods folder.
Legends of Revolution, and WolfRevolution will always install correctly, as the automatic installer targets the mods folder using the BtS registry, further it wol't install into the mods folder unless it findes the Civ4BeyondtheSword.exe in the parent folder. So it's not that.
I'm telling you, you need to patch your game. You may think it's patched, but it's not. Use the link below, and manually install the patch.
I think phungus is probably right. If nothing else, when your game as a whole is having a single, repeatable problem, that's a sure sign it's corrupted or installed wrong. So reinstalling is a good idea. Start with reinstalling the patch (and make sure you do it right, and don't use the in-game update), and if that doesn't work then consider reinstalloing the whole game.