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[BtS Modpack] WolfRevolution

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  • [BtS Modpack] WolfRevolution

    Note: I have moved my focus in modding to Legends of Revolution. If you have enjoyed WolfRevolution you will likely very much enjoy Legends. I will continue to support WolfRevolution, in a limited capacity. Since Legends of Revolution follows my design goals and philosophy, WolfRevolution is having any changes I made to the Wolfshanze mod, and RevolutionDCM removed. The mod will be a pure merge now.



    1) Make sure you have BtS 3.19, if not, get BtS and update it to 3.19!
    2) Download WolfRevolution
    3) Install.

    WolfRevolution is packaged in an NSIS installer .exe. Installing is as simple as double clicking. On installation you will be given the option to create a shortcuts to the mod, so that you can easily play it by launching from the desktop and/or start menu. No need to load or alter your regular BtS game in any way. I designed WolfRevolution with stability being a core necessity, 99% of users with High End Computers will experience no more issues with WolfRevolution then default BtS. Though like any software, there have been some known machine specific issues, see known bugs in the second post below for troubleshooting information if any problems occur. Some of the unit art in WolfRev is system intensive though (high poly/textures), and will cause slow down in later eras for low and mid range machines and the occasional Memory Allocation Failure.

    Download WolfRevolution v1.5.0<-easy install download

    Introduced Concepts:
    The concepts incorporated in this mod are introduced from the RevolutionDCM mod by glider1 and jdog5000 as well as those like Moctezuma, PieceOfMind, and EmperorFool who have produced the components that really bring RevDCM together. The intruduced concepts are toggleable in the custom games start up, you may enable or disable them as per your tastes.

    Revolutions: Cities now have a revolution index. This is negatively effected by such things as distance from your capital, Non State religion, wars going poorly, high taxes etc. Revolutionary sentiment is quelled by troop garrisons, building of wonders, communication technology, culture spending, success in war, etc.
    If a city or a group of cities gets frustrated with their empire's rule, they will demand independence; If refused they may openly rebel. This causes armed uprising, and entire new civilizations may spawn taking over sections of large sprawling empires. Balkanization can occur in empires that are not well maintained, or sometimes the rebels will topple the old regime completely. Well managed empires have no problems.

    Barbarian Civ: Barbarian cities that develop high culture or get large may settle down, spawning entire new civilizations.

    Start as Minor Tribes: Simulates the chaos we all know from history. All civs are treated by the game as barbarian (Unit color, flags and borders still show, you are aware of who is around you, they just cannot be peacefully interacted with) until they discover the technology of Writing, and may engage in diplomacy with other civilizations that have discovered writing.

    Influence Driven War: Battles have an effect on the cultural depth of tiles. This means that in war the borders of empires become dynamic, and will shift according to those who succede in their war.

    Unaltered Gameplay Enhancements:

    Interface: The BUG mod is fully incorporated into WolfRevolution. The current version is 3.6 The enhancements to the interface are too numerous to count. If you haven't tried BUG you will be blown away by how much easier it is to get information, and how well everything is displayed.

    Better AI: Better AI v 0.78c has been incorporated. Making the AI much smarter, especially at warfare. You will probably need to drop a difficulty level from what you are used to in BtS when playing this mod.

    Art: Ethnic Unit art has been expanded. Overall the game will look much prettier.

    Units and Civs
    The Unit art and civilizations in WolfRev are from the Wolfshanze mod. I used the Wolfshanze mod because the overall changes were small, but needed. Overall the core game is touched very little. 2 techs are added, as they were needed to smooth out the crunched early renessaince and early industrial period (Muskets and Air superiority). A few leaders, civilzations and a couple wonders have been added.

    Overall the focus in the units has been in the industrial era, where the interesting tech progression and unit steps found in the Mideval era fell flat in BtS. With WolfRevolution, the unit progression stays paced like durring that period of gameplay through the Modern era.

    I always enjoy receiving feedback, so please feel free to post and let me know what you think, and any ideas you have to improve this mod.

    WolfRevolution1.5.0 is a merge of the current versions of Wolfshanze2.85 and RevolutionDCM 2.50
    Last edited by phungus420; June 23, 2009, 18:19.

  • #2
    To get more in depth information on the mods that WolfRevolution is merged from visit the Wolfnshanze mod and RevDCM threads.

    WolfRevolution and would not have been possible without the work of other moders. Many thanks to:

    And those who he credits in his mod:
    Refar, Elhoim, kodzi, Danrell, Hadrean, Snafusmith, Bernie, GeneralMatt, Houman, Zerver, asio and others

    And those who he credits in his mod:
    jdog --The Creater of Revolutions--, Moctezuma--creater or IDW, Ruff_Hi--BUGmaster, Dale, Trojan Sheep, Solver, Dresden, and others.

    I would also like to personally thank Refar, Zebra9, Dresden and EmperorFool who's help was essential in the creation of this mod. Also PieceOfMind deserves a shoutout for his Advanced Combat Modcomp, a great modcomp incorporated here (and the modcomp that actually motivated me enough to learn some C++).

    Update to WolfRevolution 1.5.0 23 Jun 2009
    -Updates RevDCM component to 2.50
    --Includes BetterAI 0.78c
    --Makes mod BtS 3.19 compliant

    Version history

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.4.0 April 28, 2009
    -Added Icon
    -Updated RevDCM component to 1.02
    -Removed all of my changes to Wolfshanze and RevolutionDCM base mods. I recommend trying the Legends of Revolution: Unofficial Expansion Project for those that enjoyed WolfRevolution. WolfRevolution is now a pure Wolfshanze and RevDCM merge
    -Added 3 Scenarios compatible with WolfRevolution

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.3.3 April 12, 2009
    Paching only, main WolfRev download not updated (not any real reason to, this is a minor patch)
    -Updates WolfRev to RevDCM 1.01
    -Added Examine City on Conquest option
    -Rebuilt taxes Revolution index calculations, now bases taxburden on the ratio of total Empire expenses to total earned commerce types (all culture, gold, science and espionage earned throught the empire)

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.3.2 March 13, 2009
    -Fixed Art Bug with Native American cities (WolfRevolution is now completely stable again, any issues experienced with WolfRev will, as far as is known now be machine specific)
    -Updated RevDCM components with released RevDCM patches
    -Rebuilt City Distance Calculation, and added a few tweaks to Rev numbers

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.3.1 March 7, 2009
    *WolfRevolution 1.3.x is not 1.2.x or lower save game compatible, finish your old game before updating to 1.3.1
    *Added Uninstaller. I didn't notice any problems by simply over installing old versions, but I was worried about old files conflicting. So if you have a previous version of WolfRev please install twice (this will allow the uninstaller to purge old files), wait for the uninstaller to finish before continuing with the installation (you can ignore the uninstall box, click next on the install pop up then go back and uninstall which will just remove the mod, so uninstall first)
    -Updated RevDCM component to 1.00, this includes BUG (to 3.6) and Better AI (to 0.6h)
    -DCM and other GlobalDefinesAlt options are no longer toggled via the XML. Toggle these off and on in game by opening the BUG options (ctrl + shift + o), under the RevDCM tab. You will need to save your game and restart WolfRev in order for the changes to take effect.
    -Removed Arty tech req from Assembly line, never liked that being there, and since Wolf has disapeared, that had to go. This caused a few units to have their prereq techs altered. Very little effect on the Units will be noticed by this change, it just makes factories and such more in line with the rest of the flow of the game
    -To make Start As Minors playable for people at or near my skill level (prince is just a cakewalk, and in Default BtS I play on emperor, but the archer rush was too hard to survive with start as minors int his mod), removed Archery tech from Monarch and Emperor level AIs. I will probably in the future add in a new difficutly level to smooth out the transition from Emperor to Immortal with the next release because of this. Feedback here would be welcome.
    -Locked Custom Assets, you can now do whatever you want with custom assets, install BUG there make your own modding files whatever, they will no longer conflict with WolfRev

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.2.2 Dec 19, 2008
    *Hopefully* fixed diplomacy bugs with 1.2.1 build

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.2.1 Dec 15, 2008 -Updated RevDCM component to 0.97
    *WolfRevolution 1.2.1 is not 1.1.X versions save game compatible.
    Inquisitions and Super Spies now included by default.
    Fixed BUG display aesthetic bugs, WolfRevolution should look prettier in the interface, as BUG is now fully supported.
    Fixed DCM missing tags in UnitInfos.xml DCM options are still off by default and must be toggled via the XML.
    RevDCM 0.97 should have better Multiplayer support, most parts of the mod should function in multi. However the specific component of Revolutions is still not multi supported (though it will work, turning this on will significantly increase the chance of OSS errors as well as the fact other humans can see all human players Rev pop ups and Rev Idx information).
    Significant improvements to Better AI, Unoficial patch, and Revolutions mod components with 0.97 RevDCM update. Please see the relevant Project and mod development forums for more information.

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.1.2 Nov 7, 2008 -Updated RevDCM component to 0.96
    *1.1.2 is only save game compatible with WolfRevolution 1.1.X versions that applied a Super Spies Add On. If you did not apply a Super Spy add on, finish any game you currently are playing before updating to 1.1.2. If you did apply a Super Spy Add On, you may continue your saved games. However, remember to reapply the Inquisition add on if were playing with it.
    -Super Spies Mod Component added by default (To remove download and install Wolfshanze Purifier Add on)
    -Fixes Artillery bombard bug in friendly territory
    -Fixes issue with Spy promotions text displaying incorrectly
    -Updates Better AI, Unoficial patch, and Revolution versions to current builds
    -Swapped Arty req with Rifling for Pre-Dreadnought, Per Wolfshanze request

    Updated to WolfRevolution 1.1.1 Oct 31, 2008

    This change was made due to increased downloads from adding the mod to the database, with very little downloads of the RevPython Adjust add on. IMO the default Rev Indexes are crippling and reduce the enjoyment of gameplay, so my changes have been added by default. For those wishing to play the WolfRevolution mod with the base Revolution indexes, download and install the Revolution Python Purifier Add on.
    Changed default Wolfshanze mod base slightly, mainly to account for Early-Mid Renesaince Era Beelines of Fascism.
    Fixed CTD issue with Inquisition AddOns
    Added Steam Power tech req to Communism
    Added Military Science and Tradition reqs to Fascism
    Swapped Rifling req with Artillery Req for Pre-Dreadnought
    Swapped Steel req with RailRoad Req for Ironclad Battleship
    Tweak to corps-- Cereal Mills upped to +1 food per resource consumed
    To restore WolfRevolution versions 1.1.X to Wolshanze 2.85 base; download and install the WolfRev Wolfshanze Purifier AddOn. This is not compatible with the optional add ons. Optional Add Ons may be applied after installing the purifier, but this will revert the WolfRevolution mod to a 1.1.1 configuration.

    WolfRevolution Added to CivFanatics database Oct 31, 2008
    WolfRevolution 1.1.0 Released Oct 28, 2008
    Wolfshanze 2.85 is not 2.84 save compatible. This means WolfRevolution 1.1.X is not 1.0.X save game compatible. Finish your game before updating if you're currently in the middle of a 1.0.X game.
    Adjusted Wolfshanze techs and units slightly:
    Moved Engineering req from Gunpowder to Muskets--Added Engineering req to units this affected
    To make gunpowder useful in it's own right, added Fireworks National Wonder (+1 Happy in all cities)
    Added Education req to Chemistry
    Added Literature req to Education
    Removed redundant muskets tech from Cuirassiers (all variants)
    Changed Hwacha to bombard replacement (Civilopedia says it's a gunpowder unit)
    Turned off all DCM affects by default. To toggle these on adjust them in the GlobalDefinesAlt.xml file
    Fixed Nuke Issue. Manhatten Project is back in the game, and nukes should work now.
    Fixed a minor issue with the RevPythonAdjust AddOn, it now applies the building modifiers properly.

    WolfRevolution 1.0.5 Released Oct 5, 2008
    Fixed BUG options problem

    WolfRevolution 1.0.4 Released Sept 27 2008
    Fixed issue where WolfRevolution pulled info from RevDCM files. WolfRevolution now stands alone.

    WolfRevolution 1.0.3 Released Sept 26, 2008
    WolfRevolution Public Release

    WolfRevolution uses the NSIS installation program to install. So for most people there are no complex instructions to follow. The main Mod installer uses a script and follows the BTS registry, this means for 99.99% of people it will install properly. If your BTS files are in an odd place, make sure you account for this when installing though.

    Known Bugs:
    -Low end machines the High detail/poly count units introduced by the Wolfshanze mod can exhasperbate memory issues in default BtS. This obviously causes late game slow down, and in extreme cases can cause Memory Allocation Failure crashes. MAFs are not a problem with the code (unless you consider the gamebryo engine a problem), and so if you experience a MAF you can play on by simply reloading. The only real solution is to get more RAM or a better graphics card. High end machine users will experience no problems with this mod. *This issue has been adressed in Legends of Revolution, a mod also available in these forums, designed by the me.
    -Rev DCM 2.50 aparently has borked multiplayer. Hopefully this will be adressed in the next couple of weeks so that this mod can continue to be played in multiplayer. But again, if you like this mod in multiplayer, you should definatly try Legends of Revolution, overall it's more balanced and the performance is greatly improved (LoR's performance is similar to default BtS).
    -There is a known aesthetic bug from a revolution pop up where what should be 'AND' doesn't pull from the XML text right and displays as REV_DEFS_TEXT_AND or some such thing. It's minor, just assume it says AND.
    Last edited by phungus420; June 23, 2009, 18:20.


    • #3
      You cannot bombard from friendly territory, you must enter nuetral or hostile territory to bombard city defenses.
      Hey Phungus, this one is fixed.


      • #4
        Yeah, I hadn't seen any responses in this thread, so never updated it. WolfRevolution has been updated to 1.1.2 and that bug is fixed, as well as the fact the Revolutions and Better AI components are updated.


        • #5
          Updated to 1.2.1, udates the RevDCM mod component to v 0.97


          • #6
            Display problem

            I just installed this mod last night - I installed the 3.17 patch, then WolfRev. But I am having a problem - sometimes (often) when another civ leader pops up in a negoiation screen I do not see text for my responses. For example, the window will popup with an offer of an exchange of "open borders" and my reponses are not there - and the only way to get out of that window is to hit ESC. And it is not that the text is hidden, I have tried to click on the areas where the responses should be.

            Has anyone else had this problem?

            Note: this is early game so perhaps some tech is missing before a repsonse is allowed and this is just the way it is implemented?


            • #7
              I got a PM over at CivFanatics, I think there is a screw up somewhere with Diplomacy, not sure how...


              • #8
                OK, I've tried replicating this, and can't... Also tried replicating the bug reported to me in PM over at Civfanatics and can't replicate that bug either (The PM said the game crashed when meeting Meiji, and Meiji's info was screwed up in the Pedia). My recomendation is to delete the WolfRev mod, then do a full reinstall. If you still get this bug, please upload the save and let me see it in action.

                Edit: Also noticed you said you just recently installed the 3.17 official patch. If you used the auto-update feature, it's often broken. Make sure you just download the patch from the internet (just search google, it's easy to find) and install it that way.
                Last edited by phungus420; December 19, 2008, 05:41.


                • #9
                  New version 1.2.2 released, hopefully fixes the diplo bugs people were reporting.


                  • #10
                    Updated to WolfRevolution v 1.3.1 see OP & second post for details.


                    • #11
                      New version of WolfRevolution released:

                      Wolfshanze's Revolution 1.4.0 Download

                      I've started a new project which takes the concepts introduced in the Wolfhsanze Mod, and subsequently WolfRevolution farther. Because of this I've removed all changes made to the base mods in the WolfRevolution. Wolfshanze's Revolution 1.4.0 is a pure Wolfshanze mod 2.85 & RevolutionDCM 1.02 merge.

                      I recommend trying out my new mod, Legends of Revolution. It adds units that were planned for Wolfshanze, like Motorized Infantry. And really takes the game to the next level. If you enjoyed WolfRevolution, you're going to love Legends.

                      Legends of Revolution: Unofficial Expansion Project


                      • #12
                        Updated to be 3.19 compliant:

                        Update to WolfRevolution 1.5.0 23 Jun 2009
                        -Updates RevDCM component to 2.50
                        --Includes BetterAI 0.78c
                        --Makes mod BtS 3.19 compliant

