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  • Patch 11a for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v11 file of Planetfall. It doesn't break games started under v11.


    1. Recycling Tanks building graphics, by Lord Tirian.
    2. Retextured Research Hospital and Planetary Council building graphics, by GeoModder.
    3. Solar Power Transmitter graphics by Lord Tirian, woodelf and GeoModder.
    4. Native Life promotion buttons by Lord Tirian.
    5. Planetfall Beginner's Guide added, by slugwalk.
    6. A 'Big and Small' mapscript has been added.
    7. Spore Launchers are now immune to collateral damage from other native life units.
    8. Native Life no longer costs credits in maintenance. Instead one Planet per unit per turn is deducted from your Total Planet accumulated throughout the entire the game (see Planet Attitude widget).
    9. This Total Planet value is now called Psi Potential.
    10. Besides limiting native life capturing, the Psi Potential value now also limits native life building/training/breeding.
    11. Fungal Towers can no longer be captured.
    12. Probe teams can no longer move on plots with Spawning Spots.
    13. The Cloudbase unit gains +100% Psi Defense.
    14. Medic I and Navigation I promotions turned into special abilities.
    15. Centauri Preserve improvement has been renamed to Commune.
    16. AI will now found sea bases (if easily available land is drying up).

    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • Patch 11b for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v11 file of Planetfall. It breaks savegames started under previous patches or versions.


      1. Multiple Production modcomp by denev added.
      2. Military Academy building graphic, by Lord Tirian.
      3. Updated to Better AI 0.80.
      4. Lots of new promotion buttons, by Lord Tirian.
      5. New Planet Value icon, by Lord Tirian.
      6. Updated Gaian cityset art, by Lord Tirian.
      7. Ground texture graphics for bases added, by Lord Tirian.
      8. Many technology and building buttons, by Lord Tirian.
      9. University Scientists produce +1 science, thanks to Priv_Joker.
      10. Morganic Merchants produce +1 credit, thanks to Priv_Joker.
      11. Spore Cloud promotion for the Spore Launcher added: +100% vs. air & 50% collateral damage reduction.
      12. Flagella promotion for Mind worm added: gives amphibious effects.
      13. Miasma promotions for Spore Launcher and IoD added: gives extra collateral damage.
      14. Swarming promotions for native life added: gives withdrawal chance.
      15. Snow Camouflage special ability for Infantry units added: double movement and +25% strength on Polar terrain. Graphics by achilleszero and GeoModder.
      16. The Marine Detachment special ability is now available for Choppers and Cruisers, gives +25% strength vs. Submarines, -20% strength vs. Cruisers and only has 1/3 chance to capture Cruisers.
      17. Ships with Marine Detachment can't be captured.
      18. The Energy Nexus building now provides +2 Influence and +1 Merchant Great People Point.
      19. Native Life no longer requires Biology Labs to breed
      20. Submarines no longer have the inherent ability to move through rival territory.
      21. The Stealth special ability enables moving through rival territory.
      22. With Doctrine : Initiative you can now research Magnetic Acceleration
      23. Empath Guild now costs 75 minerals.
      24. Planetary Council now costs 350 minerals.

      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • Patch 11d for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v11 file of Planetfall. It breaks savegames started under previous patches or versions.

        Changelog, or at least the highlights of it:

        1. German translation provided by Lord Tirian.
        2. The Ruins resource icon by Lord Tirian.
        3. Fat Layer promotion button by Lord Tirian.
        4. Native life combat promotion buttons by Lord Tirian.
        5. Hologram Theatre building graphic by Lord Tirian.
        6. Solar Collector improvement graphic by Lord Tirian.
        7. Updated to Better AI 81g.
        8. The Cybernetic Consciousness religion has been removed.
        9. Cultural Victory removed.
        10. With the Pholus Mutagen tech, native life can traverse fungus at triple instead of double the normal speed.
        11. With Personality Transciption, in addition to city-based great people point accumulation, great people points get accumulated in a shared pool on player level.
        12. Carriers become visible for a turn if an air unit in the carrier does a strike.
        13. Headquarters provide +1 Planet Value to the base.
        14. The culture slider now also gives +1 Planet in each base per 10% culture spending.
        15. Centauri Preserve secret project added, available at Environmental Economics. Increases Planet Attitude by +1.
        16. Mag Tubes can no longer be constructed on Rocky terrain. But are available earlier at Magnetic Acceleration.
        17. Submarines can pick the Range special abilities. (But can do less damage than Cruisers)
        18. New Scavenger special ability allows units to gain the special abilities of defeated units.
        19. Fat Layer promotion for the Sealurk has been added: can see invisible units and move under Icepacks.
        20. Space Elevator factional project added.
        21. The Chopper, Gravship, Rover and Hovertank unitcombattypes have been merged into the Cavalry unitcombattype.
        22. The Foil and Submarine unitcombattypes have been merged into the Boat unitcombattype.
        23. The Flamethrower, Plasma Thrower and Helion have been given their own Flamethrower unitcombattype.
        24. Only Flamethrowers can pick the Plasma Shard special ability.
        25. Flamethrowers can't pick the Anti-Tank and Empath Song special abilities.
        26. Transport Foils have been renamed Cargo Foils.
        27. Transports Cruisers have been renamed Transports.
        28. Transports now belong to the Boat unitcombattype.
        29. Dropships now belong to the Cavalry unitcombattype.
        30. Planet Buster units now require Helium instead of Iridium.
        31. Xenobiology leads to Bio-Engineering. Information Networks no longer does.
        32. I give up. Upper half of the tech tree features many changes. Too many to list. See the F6 screen.

        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • Patch 11e for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v11 file of Planetfall. It doesn't break savegames from patch d.

          Just a couple corrections:

          1. The Scavenger special ability should now only grant special abilities instead of (incorrectly) any applicable promotions the opponent had.
          2. The Space Elevator is only buildable around the equator.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • Thanks so much 4 sharing with us,bros :-)
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            • Patch 11j for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v11 file of Planetfall. It breaks savegames from previous versions or patches.


              1. New terrain, Jungle feature and Fungicide resource graphics by Lord Tirian.
              2. Included the SHAM modcomp by DaveMcW.
              3. Updated to Better AI 81g.
              4. German translation updated by Lord Tirian.
              5. The Spartans gain +100% Great General birth.
              6. Infantry can pick the AAA Tracking special ability.
              7. The Nerve Staplers special ability now requires Retroviral Engineering instead of MMI.
              8. Guerilla III now gives a 15% bonus on and vs. Rocky terrain.
              9. The Walker unit starts with Guerilla II and III.
              10. The Cyborg unit now has strength 9.
              11. The Acolyte unit now starts with the Walk with Planet promotion.

              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • Just downloaded this - looks really great - I'll let you know in a week or four when I am ready conversation again.
                To err is human, to firgive is against government policy


                • Version 12 of Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This new version will break save games from previous versions.

                  This new version mostly merely contains cosmetic name changes compared to the latest patch. The idea is to upload a main file of which I can be reasonably sure it doesn't have any bugs.

                  Please post interesting screenshots of your games in this thread.


                  1. The Research Hospital building now provides one Scientist instead of one Doctor specialist slot.
                  2. The Research Hospital building no longer requires an Infirmary in the base.
                  3. The McDonalds secret project has been renamed to The Longevity Vaccine, and provides a resource of the same name.
                  4. The Rejuvenation Tanks building provides +1 Health with the Longevity Vaccine resource.
                  5. The Citizen specialist has been renamed to Technician.
                  6. The Recycling Tanks building has been renamed to Arcology.
                  7. The Planet Pearls resource is now enabled rather than revealed by Field Modulation.
                  8. The Degenerate Neutronium tech has been renamed to Superstring Theory.
                  9. The Dimensional Gate building is now enabled by Superstring Theory.
                  10. The Stable Neutronium tech has been renamed to Neutronium.
                  11. The Amphibious Pods special ability gives +50% strength versus naval units.
                  12. The combat strength bonus promotions for conventional units have been renamed to Morale I to IX.
                  13. The combat strength bonus promotions for native life units have been renamed to Lifecycle I to IX.
                  14. The Spartan promotion has been renamed to Commando and can be picked by Irregular units.
                  15. Forest no longer produces +1 energy with Atmospherics.
                  16. Hybrid Forest produces one less energy.
                  17. Forest Camouflage special ability (I) and promotions (II & III) added.
                  18. Gaian land units gain +50% psi defense.
                  19. Gaian Infantry and Vanguard units start with the Walk with Planet and Forest Camouflage II & III promotions.
                  20. The Walker unit starts with the Forest Camouflage III promotion.
                  21. The Walker unit gains +25% attack strength vs. Xenofungus.
                  Last edited by Maniac; October 16, 2009, 16:33.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • Patch 12c for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v12 file of Planetfall. It doesn't break savegames from patch 'a' or 'b'.

                    Please post interesting screenshots of your games in this thread.

                    Just a small bugfix patch.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • i'm going to have to contact dale, so i can d/l this.
                      I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                      [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                      • Sounds like a plan.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • Patch 12i for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v12 file of Planetfall. It does not break savegames from the previous patch. Problems might arise if someone has already built Nanoreplicators though.

                          This is a bugfix patch. It also adds the following gameplay changes:

                          1. Morgan can hurry units for real.
                          2. The Nanoreplicator gets an Engineer specialist slot.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • Sounds cool, but will I still have access to regular BtS, or will it turn into this?
                            I don't know what I've been told!
                            Deirdre's got a Network Node!
                            Love to press the Buster Switch!
                            Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


                            • Patch 12j for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v12 file of Planetfall. It breaks savegames from the previous patch.


                              1. Datalinks text by Pickly.
                              2. New Hovertank graphics by Lord Tirian.
                              3. New Scout Patrol graphics by asioasioasio.
                              4. Updated flag graphics by Lord Tirian.
                              5. The Hovertank now requires Needlejet instead of Psionics.
                              6. The Longevity Vaccine now requires Retroviral Engineering instead of Cloning.
                              7. The Planetary Datalinks have been added as a project. They give the builder any tech known by three other teams.
                              8. Citizens' Defense Force secret project added: gives +25% defense in all bases and +50% domestic great general points.
                              9. Telepathic Matrix secret project added: removes anarchy for switching civics or religions.
                              10. A Naval Fortress special ability for Bunkers has been added. It increases range by 2, but decreases attack strength against land terrain by 75%.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • Patch 12k for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v12 file of Planetfall. It breaks savegames from the previous patch.


                                1. Datalinks text by Pickly.
                                2. German translation updated by Lord Tirian.
                                3. Psion unit graphics by Lord Tirian.
                                4. Altered leaderhead diplomacy values by Pfeffersack.
                                5. Locust unit graphics by Lord Tirian.
                                6. The Map of Planet has been added, by Lord Tirian.
                                7. Psion unit added at Psionics, an upgrade for the Hyperian unit. It uses Psi combat.
                                8. The Data Angels, Nautilus Pirates, Free Drones and Consciousness will be founded somewhere on Planet when someone researches respectively Holographics, Pressure Dome, Industrial Automation and Memetics. They are not yet playable by the human player.
                                9. Rebel bases will switch to Free Drone control when the base's occupation turns have passed.
                                10. You are not allowed to attack Rebel bases unless you are at war with the previous owner.
                                11. The Peacekeepers and Drones are given a unique building for the Genejack Factory - the Hab Complex - which has the same effects except for an additional +1 Happy.
                                12. The Police State civic now increases military production by 20% rather than increase espionage by 50%.
                                13. The Power civic now increases espionage by 50% rather than reducing war weariness.
                                14. Deirdre's diplomatic attitude towards a player is now influenced by that player's Planet Attitude.
                                15. The Maritime Control Center secret project has been added: it grants +1 energy on all Coast plots.
                                16. Social Psych can lead to Holographics.
                                17. Hive infantry gains 25% strength on/vs. Fallout.
                                18. The Mount Planet landmark has been added, by Lord Tirian.

                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

