First of all, thanks for taking the time to open this thread!
This is the situation I'm facing: I am attempting to modify an 18-civ Earth WorldBuilder save from vanilla Civ IV so it is playable as a 24-civ Earth map in Warlords. To this effect, I have undertaken the following actions:
1. I took a file labeled "EarthMap.Civ4WorldBuilderSave" and changed its suffix so it now reads "EarthMap.CivWarlordsWBSave." It now appears as a playable map in Warlords, so we're good so far.
2. I then generated a random map in Warlords in an effort to get information on the six new civilizations. Going into WB, I saved this map as "Experiment1.CivWarlordsWBSave".
3. Using TextEdit, I opened both the XML files for these maps, with the intent of copying data from the native Warlords map into the imported Warlords map. This is where the problems start.
4. I noticed that in the Warlords-native map, civilizations had anywhere from two to four starting technologies. In the imported Warlords map (which was originally a vanilla Civ IV WB save), the 18 civilizations all had *two* starting techs apiece. So, which is correct? Do I need to replace all of the vCiv IV civ data with the Warlords civ data? If so, that might be a bit time consuming.
5. Assuming No. 4 goes well, I then have the predicament of having six new civilizations w/o proper starting coordinates on Earth. IOW, they won't show up in their historical starting locations. How do I go about fixing this? Do I simply generate a 24-civ game from this map, then immediately go into WB and shift the Celts, Carthaginians, Ottomans, Koreans, Zulus and Vikings to their right spots, save as a WB file and close out of the game?
6. Upon relaunching Warlords, do so with a clean cache so when it loads the 24-civ Earth map, it will display all the civs in their proper historical starting locations?
7. If I do this, and later play a game as, say, the Celts, will the map be "revealed" not only in their historical starting location, but the random location as well, where they first appeared prior to me moving them to the "right" spot?
Any insights into this would be most appreciated!
First of all, thanks for taking the time to open this thread!
This is the situation I'm facing: I am attempting to modify an 18-civ Earth WorldBuilder save from vanilla Civ IV so it is playable as a 24-civ Earth map in Warlords. To this effect, I have undertaken the following actions:
1. I took a file labeled "EarthMap.Civ4WorldBuilderSave" and changed its suffix so it now reads "EarthMap.CivWarlordsWBSave." It now appears as a playable map in Warlords, so we're good so far.
2. I then generated a random map in Warlords in an effort to get information on the six new civilizations. Going into WB, I saved this map as "Experiment1.CivWarlordsWBSave".
3. Using TextEdit, I opened both the XML files for these maps, with the intent of copying data from the native Warlords map into the imported Warlords map. This is where the problems start.
4. I noticed that in the Warlords-native map, civilizations had anywhere from two to four starting technologies. In the imported Warlords map (which was originally a vanilla Civ IV WB save), the 18 civilizations all had *two* starting techs apiece. So, which is correct? Do I need to replace all of the vCiv IV civ data with the Warlords civ data? If so, that might be a bit time consuming.
5. Assuming No. 4 goes well, I then have the predicament of having six new civilizations w/o proper starting coordinates on Earth. IOW, they won't show up in their historical starting locations. How do I go about fixing this? Do I simply generate a 24-civ game from this map, then immediately go into WB and shift the Celts, Carthaginians, Ottomans, Koreans, Zulus and Vikings to their right spots, save as a WB file and close out of the game?
6. Upon relaunching Warlords, do so with a clean cache so when it loads the 24-civ Earth map, it will display all the civs in their proper historical starting locations?
7. If I do this, and later play a game as, say, the Celts, will the map be "revealed" not only in their historical starting location, but the random location as well, where they first appeared prior to me moving them to the "right" spot?
Any insights into this would be most appreciated!