I had an idea for a mod, but I will need help implementing it because I don't know any python or c++ coding. Though I can take care of the xml parts of the mod.
Anyways, I was thinking of solid, deterministic ways to implement insurgency into the game. I think that resistors and unhappy citizens should generate insurgency points which use similar game mechanics to great people points. Each resistor should generate 3 insurgency points per turn, and each unhappy citizen should generate 1 insurgency point per turn. Early guerilla units should cost 20 insurgency points, and later guerilla units should cost more. The population percentages should determine the nationality of the guerilla unit. If a French controlled city had ten citizens, 3 French, 5 English, and 2 German, then the guerilla would a 71% chance of being English, and a 29% chance of being German (ignore the French population and divide the English and German populations by the total amount of non French population). Once a city hit the insurgency point level, then a guerrilla unit would spawn on a random tile in the city's fat cross. Unlike great people, guerilla units would have a fixed insurgency point cost.
Some possible stats (obviously we should balance it depending on gameplay)
Rebel -> Hunting 20 Insurgency points 1 Strength 1 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/20% Withdrawal chance 1 First strikes
Guerilla Monarchy 25 Insurgency points 2 Strength 1 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/30% Withdrawal chance 2 First stikes
Partisan Nationalism 30 Insurgency Points 4 Strength 1 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/40% Withdrawal chance 3 First strikes Causes collateral damage
Insurgent Fission 35 Insurgency Points 6 Strength 2 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/50% Withdrawal chance 4 First strikes Causes collateral damage
These should be weak units, capable of defeating lone weakened regular army units 1on1, or taking out small groups of regular army units if they have vastly superior numbers. They should be good at scouting, pillaging, and hit&run attacks. They should exist to cause chaos behind the lines, along with tying down military units in occupation duty.
At the begining stages of an occupation when there are large numbers of resistors lots of guerillas would take to the fight. If that same city size ten city started out as 10 resistors then that would be 30 insurgency points per turn, or 1 partisan per turn. As the French pacified the population, and decreased the resitors from 10 down to 5, then it would would take two turns for a partisan to appear. As the resistence started to fade, and only one resistor remained, then it would take 10 turns for a partisan to appear. If by the end, the French only had to deal with one unhappy citizen then it would take a full thirty turns for a partisan to appear.
Certain wonders like Manchu Picchu or the Ho Chi Mihn Trail could increase the number of Insurgency points generated each turn. A starving city should also generate more Insurgency Points than a non straving city. A whole line of special asymetrical warfare promotions might be in order for guerilla units.
Basic mod parts that I need which I can't create myself
*A way of creating and keeping track of insurgency points in cities
*A way to convert those insurgency points into actual fighting units on the map
*A way of linking wonders to insurgency point creation
*A way of implementing a hidden nationality flag so insurgents could still attack even if two civs have signed a peacy treay (the only solution may be for insurgents to have a barbarian nationality)
Thanks I'll appreciate any help!
I have thought of a few more things to add to the mod...
*Each non state religion in a city generates 1 insurgency point
*Certain civics should generate insurgency points
*Foreign citizens would increase insurgency points
*If a city was in a golden age it wouldn't generate insurgency points
*Certain wonders should generate pacification points
*Certain civics would generate pacification (anti-insurgency points)
*Happy citizens would generate pacification points
Anyways, I was thinking of solid, deterministic ways to implement insurgency into the game. I think that resistors and unhappy citizens should generate insurgency points which use similar game mechanics to great people points. Each resistor should generate 3 insurgency points per turn, and each unhappy citizen should generate 1 insurgency point per turn. Early guerilla units should cost 20 insurgency points, and later guerilla units should cost more. The population percentages should determine the nationality of the guerilla unit. If a French controlled city had ten citizens, 3 French, 5 English, and 2 German, then the guerilla would a 71% chance of being English, and a 29% chance of being German (ignore the French population and divide the English and German populations by the total amount of non French population). Once a city hit the insurgency point level, then a guerrilla unit would spawn on a random tile in the city's fat cross. Unlike great people, guerilla units would have a fixed insurgency point cost.
Some possible stats (obviously we should balance it depending on gameplay)
Rebel -> Hunting 20 Insurgency points 1 Strength 1 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/20% Withdrawal chance 1 First strikes
Guerilla Monarchy 25 Insurgency points 2 Strength 1 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/30% Withdrawal chance 2 First stikes
Partisan Nationalism 30 Insurgency Points 4 Strength 1 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/40% Withdrawal chance 3 First strikes Causes collateral damage
Insurgent Fission 35 Insurgency Points 6 Strength 2 Move Woodsman I/Guerilla I/Commando/50% Withdrawal chance 4 First strikes Causes collateral damage
These should be weak units, capable of defeating lone weakened regular army units 1on1, or taking out small groups of regular army units if they have vastly superior numbers. They should be good at scouting, pillaging, and hit&run attacks. They should exist to cause chaos behind the lines, along with tying down military units in occupation duty.
At the begining stages of an occupation when there are large numbers of resistors lots of guerillas would take to the fight. If that same city size ten city started out as 10 resistors then that would be 30 insurgency points per turn, or 1 partisan per turn. As the French pacified the population, and decreased the resitors from 10 down to 5, then it would would take two turns for a partisan to appear. As the resistence started to fade, and only one resistor remained, then it would take 10 turns for a partisan to appear. If by the end, the French only had to deal with one unhappy citizen then it would take a full thirty turns for a partisan to appear.
Certain wonders like Manchu Picchu or the Ho Chi Mihn Trail could increase the number of Insurgency points generated each turn. A starving city should also generate more Insurgency Points than a non straving city. A whole line of special asymetrical warfare promotions might be in order for guerilla units.
Basic mod parts that I need which I can't create myself
*A way of creating and keeping track of insurgency points in cities
*A way to convert those insurgency points into actual fighting units on the map
*A way of linking wonders to insurgency point creation
*A way of implementing a hidden nationality flag so insurgents could still attack even if two civs have signed a peacy treay (the only solution may be for insurgents to have a barbarian nationality)
Thanks I'll appreciate any help!
I have thought of a few more things to add to the mod...
*Each non state religion in a city generates 1 insurgency point
*Certain civics should generate insurgency points
*Foreign citizens would increase insurgency points
*If a city was in a golden age it wouldn't generate insurgency points
*Certain wonders should generate pacification points
*Certain civics would generate pacification (anti-insurgency points)
*Happy citizens would generate pacification points