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[MAP] Planet-/Moonmap of PROTEUS 100x50

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  • [MAP] Planet-/Moonmap of PROTEUS 100x50


    One of my last Planetmaps (cause i run out of good original maps ):

    Dimension: 100x50
    Size: Huge
    Player: 11
    Startingpositions: 12
    Optionens: Standard
    Victories: Standard

    On this map i used for the first time the console-commands Map.GenerateBonuses for the Resources and Map.GenerateGoodies for the tribal villages.

    Proteus is a moon of Neptune: Proteus-Wiki

    Proteus is thru the fact that it's surface is covered of nearly 90% landmass very dry and therefor all the central continent at the equator is a big desert. Thru some smaller lakes and it's feeding rivers a hard survival as settler is possible. At the borders of the desert exist a middle plain with some forest. On the northern and southern pole lies a rank grasland with somewhat dense jungle.

    have fun playing!

    /update: 30.07.2006 warlords-version of this map in the zip
    /update: 04.08.2007: BtS-version of this map in the zip

    Last edited by 0d!n3oo3|Broad; December 14, 2009, 09:30. Reason: Update!
    "If 'The Flinstones' has taught us anything about history, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement." - Homer J. Simpson

    Visit 0d1n3oo3Broad's Fantastic Creation Corner on Civfanatics

  • #2
    Re: [MAP] Planet-/Moonmap of PROTEUS 100x50

    Originally posted by 0d!n3oo3|Broad

    One of my last Planetmaps (cause i run out of good original maps ):
    How about Mars?


    • #3
      over there at civfanatics someone has already done a pretty good map about mars.
      have a look
      "If 'The Flinstones' has taught us anything about history, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement." - Homer J. Simpson

      Visit 0d1n3oo3Broad's Fantastic Creation Corner on Civfanatics


      • #4
        /update: 30.07.2006 warlords-version of this map in the zip
        "If 'The Flinstones' has taught us anything about history, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement." - Homer J. Simpson

        Visit 0d1n3oo3Broad's Fantastic Creation Corner on Civfanatics


        • #5
          Bad link (the zip file). Fix, please?

          And thanks for the info.


          • #6
            hm, the link works fine with me.
            has anybody else discovered a problem with the link?
            "If 'The Flinstones' has taught us anything about history, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement." - Homer J. Simpson

            Visit 0d1n3oo3Broad's Fantastic Creation Corner on Civfanatics

