At least a map without a ringshaped continent:
Dimension: 100x50
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 13
Optionens: Standard
Victories: Standard
Venus is the 2nd planet of the solarsystem: Venus-Wiki
Venus is a relatively warm and wet planet. Of the complete surface 37% are landmas, which is shared on 4 continents and many small islands. Around the equator is a great desert-zone. On the northern and southern continents are some larger jungle-areas and the only small cold-zones of the planet.
have fun playing!
/update: 30.07.2006 warlords-version of this map in the zip
/update: 04.08.2007: BtS-version of this map in the zip

At least a map without a ringshaped continent:

Dimension: 100x50
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 13
Optionens: Standard
Victories: Standard
Venus is the 2nd planet of the solarsystem: Venus-Wiki
Venus is a relatively warm and wet planet. Of the complete surface 37% are landmas, which is shared on 4 continents and many small islands. Around the equator is a great desert-zone. On the northern and southern continents are some larger jungle-areas and the only small cold-zones of the planet.
have fun playing!

/update: 30.07.2006 warlords-version of this map in the zip
/update: 04.08.2007: BtS-version of this map in the zip
