I have copied the BUILDINGINFO for an Obelisk and pasted a new one into my CIV4BuildingInfos.xml
(BuildingInfo)(BuildingClass)BUILDINGCLASS_OBELISK (/BuildingClass)(Type)BUILDING_GREEK_STATUE(/Type)(/BuildingInfo)
I have NOT added an entry to the CIV4BuildingClass Infos because its an instance of the Obelisk class. I then added my building lines to my Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml as per the Bollywood example.
(Building) (BuildingClassType)BUILDINGCLASS_OBELISK(/BuildingClassType)(BuildingType)BUILDING_GREEK_STA TUE(/BuildingType)(/Building)
However when I load my mod I get the message "BUILDING_GREEK_STATUE in Info class was incorrect. Current XML file is: CIV4CivilizationInfos.
Any ideas why such a simple example isn't working ?