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A couple of questions (or need help!) regarding Python

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  • A couple of questions (or need help!) regarding Python

    Hello everyone.

    I realise this is my first thread here but I've been pulling my hair out learning and experimenting with Python over the last 2 weeks, hopefully one of you can put me out of my misery.

    There are a couple of things I wanted to do.

    How can I limit each terrain tile to one unit? This includes cities, they should not be able to build more units if one already exists there. But I also need to allow certain units to pass onto the same tile as certain other units, particularly in the case of units loading onto helicopter or lander. Does this require it be on the same tile, or does it load from an adjacent tile?

    I also need to remove diagonal movement of units altogether. That is 9, 3, 1 and 7 on the keypad, so a unit would have to go 4, 2 (or 2, 4) to achieve 1.

    Thanks for any help.