Because i had unscheduled freetime today and didn't know what exactly to do with i have decided to try me on a new map:
Dimension: 100x50
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 11
Options: Standard
Victories: Standard
Tethys is like Dione a moon of Saturn --> Tethys-Wiki
Tethys is a cold world. Only a small belt around the equator has a acceptable landscape with large forests and some green. In the south and north of the belt a cold and dark weather rules the landscape with widespread tundras and deserts of ice. The rare lakes are partial covered with ice floes.
Have fun and tell me your opinion
/update: 30.07.2006 warlords-version of this map in the zip
/update: 04.08.2007: BtS-version of this map in the zip

Because i had unscheduled freetime today and didn't know what exactly to do with i have decided to try me on a new map:
Dimension: 100x50
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 11
Options: Standard
Victories: Standard
Tethys is like Dione a moon of Saturn --> Tethys-Wiki
Tethys is a cold world. Only a small belt around the equator has a acceptable landscape with large forests and some green. In the south and north of the belt a cold and dark weather rules the landscape with widespread tundras and deserts of ice. The rare lakes are partial covered with ice floes.
Have fun and tell me your opinion

/update: 30.07.2006 warlords-version of this map in the zip
/update: 04.08.2007: BtS-version of this map in the zip
