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Unit creation and editing

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  • Unit creation and editing

    I can't find a single thread anywhere that guides one through the process of creating and editing a new unit. I know you use the XML Files, but I have yet to find the file with the units stats in it.

    *Edit* For those that haven't "accolated enough money to their personal science fund" I'm asking for one.

  • #2
    Make a mod in the custom mods folder and *copy* the file in Assets/XML/Units/Civ4UnitInfos.xml into a folder that you name. this folder must have the save file structure that you found the file in:
    {your mod folder name}/Assets/XML/Units/

    Look in there and play around.
    check here and find out what all that crap means in the file.
    ModCastNewest Episode!
    Beyond the Sword: Road to War Art Development

    Second Revolution 3.0 Creator


    • #3
      Could you elaborate on "create a mod in the custom mod folder." If I knew how to make my own mod I wouldn't be posting this now would I?


      • #4
        try this tutorial:
        ModCastNewest Episode!
        Beyond the Sword: Road to War Art Development

        Second Revolution 3.0 Creator


        • #5
          Well, I've got the unit. It just doesn't have its own art or civpedia entry yet.

          All I really want is to make a new set of civ specific units. The one part I really need help with at this phase is knowing how to make them civ specific. That is it.


          • #6
            Ahh, civ specific, I believe going into XML Civilizations, find the Civ you want, scroll beneath City names, the UUs is there somewhere...
            "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
            Check out my Blog!


            • #7
              thats right, its not too hard to find.

              google this: "xml marker"
              free and easy xml program i use
              ModCastNewest Episode!
              Beyond the Sword: Road to War Art Development

              Second Revolution 3.0 Creator


              • #8
                I want to edit units and I tried to start with editting the terrain range of the Caravel from only sea, to include ocean.

                So I located the Unit Info XML file under Assets and then I went directly to the info regarding Caravel.

                The thing is, I can't figure what part of the text is related to terrain range so that I can expand the Caravel's range to include ocean. Also, editting its cargo capacity and type would be nice too.

                I tried using the modwiki resource here on Apolyton, but the Unit section is not created yet.

                EDIT: I tried copying and pasting the XML text to show you guys what I'm talking about, but I guess you can't copy and past XML text.
                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

