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How do I reduce the tundra content?

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  • How do I reduce the tundra content?

    BEcause larger maps cause memory problems, I need another solution.

    One would be to reduce the tundra and ice on maps.

    I looked at the xml as an example:

    iDesertPercentChange -10
    fSnowLatitudeChange -0.1
    fTundraLatitudeChange -0.15
    fIceLatitude 0.9
    fRandIceLatitude 0.5

    Does anyone know what this means, and what values would increase habitable land?
    The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.

  • #2
    I don't know how to fix it for general maps, but you can easily get less tundra/snow using a temperate or tropical map using my smartmap. SmartMap can generate most styles of map that you can get using the existing map generators.
    Check out SmartMap: my ultra flexible map generator for civIV.


    • #3
      Re: How do I reduce the tundra content?

      Originally posted by Destroyer
      BEcause larger maps cause memory problems, I need another solution.

      One would be to reduce the tundra and ice on maps.

      I looked at the xml as an example:

      iDesertPercentChange -10
      fSnowLatitudeChange -0.1
      fTundraLatitudeChange -0.15
      fIceLatitude 0.9
      fRandIceLatitude 0.5

      Does anyone know what this means, and what values would increase habitable land?

      Decrease fTundraLatitudeChange. Make it -0.25 or even less -1.

      Also, don't forgewt deserts, I find -85 still gives me one or two tiles that turn into flood plains.

      Or you could use WorldPainter and set the amount of every terrain and every resource with a slider the easy way.

      Tom P.

