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[Mod] Assassin Mod

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  • [Mod] Assassin Mod

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    Assassin mod
    Ver. 1.3

    Concept, Python coding, and XML by Roger Bacon
    Art and unit skinning by heroes182

    based on original code for Martyr unit in Sevo's "Faces of God" mod.

    What it does:

    This mod adds a new unit, the assassin, to the game.

    cost 80
    move 2
    combat 2
    Is invisible, can see other assassins, can enter enemy territory, can not capture cities
    Tech required: Monarchy
    Other requirement: Can only be built at the capital

    Assassins basically move into another player's city and try to cause havoc, riots, or even assassinate the city leader (which is just a explanation for why the city goes in to unrest for a few turns).

    How it works:

    The assassin moves into a city and then, one turn later, it makes a roll to determine what kind of an effect is generated.

    Die roll 1-50 + assassin's exp - best defending assassin's exp

    result Effect
    < 0 assassin caught and killed
    0-14 mission failed
    15-34 minor disruption in the city: 1 unhappy face for a few turns, -10 * assassin's exp points of culture.
    35-44 City leader assassinated: 1 unhappy face for several turns, city in unrest for a few turns, -50 * assassin's exp culture
    45+ Major riots. Assassin kills city leader and blames another faction in the city. 1 unhappy face for many turns, city in unrest of several turns, -200 * assassin's exp culture, -1 population * assassin's level, Assassin kills a Great Person in the city (determined randomly)

    Assassin's survival roll
    On any mission result higher than 0, the assassin has a chance to survive. This chance is directly influenced by his exp.

    Exp % Chance to survive
    0 0
    1 20
    2 33
    3 43
    4 50
    5 56
    6 60
    7 64
    8 67
    9 69
    10 71
    11 73
    12 75
    13 76
    14 78
    15 79

    formula: % chance = assassin's exp / ( 4 + assassin's exp)
    Note: This works very well with one of my other mods "Training Barracks Mod". Download it and try it out.

    If the assassin survives he will arrive at the capital the next turn. Assassins that survive will gain 1 exp.
    A civilization will not know who sent the assassin so it won't trigger war.
    The AI knows how to use these assassins so you should probably keep a defending assassin in your larger cities to reduce the enemy assassin's roll.

    Roger Bacon
    Last edited by rogerbacon; February 19, 2006, 02:09.

  • #2
    Haven't tried it out yet...but I absolutely love this idea, however maybe it could be made a lot more expensive and be little more powerful. I.E. can kill enemy units, start a revolution in cities that have a sufficient % of your culture in them to bring them to your side. Destroy buildings etc. However I am aware that this would require a good deal of balance but I think it would be great if one country could engage in colapsing anothers economy without firing a shot. Infiltration in a way.

    Great idea

    As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
    - Voltaire


    • #3
      Version 1.2 is available here:
      Only the file changed.

      Version 1.2 adds the ability to steal a % tech from the city. % = assassin's exp * (1,2, or 3 depending on success level).

      Version 1.3 will come out in a couple of days. It will add the ability to kill off a Great Person in the city (on a good roll). It should also include a custom graphic for the unit.

      Roger Bacon


      • #4
        I gotta say rog I'm suprised you aren't getting much response here, I think you've got a great idea. The only reason I haven't tried it is because I'm mid game right now and I don't think you could load this mod midgame can you?
        As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
        - Voltaire


        • #5
          Version 1.3 is now available. I've updated the first post to point to where the new file can be downloaded from.

          Originally posted by greenday_234
          I gotta say rog I'm suprised you aren't getting much response here, I think you've got a great idea. The only reason I haven't tried it is because I'm mid game right now and I don't think you could load this mod midgame can you?
          I don't think any mod that has XML changes can be loaded midgame. Python files can be. In fact, they can even be updated and changed while you play.

          Roger Bacon


          • #6
            Great. Any known bugs?
            As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
            - Voltaire


            • #7
              Originally posted by greenday_234
              Great. Any known bugs?
              No Bugs but if you edit the file during the game you will have to move your assassins out of their target city and then back in for their 'timer' to be reset. This might also need to be done if you load a game and one of your assassins is in a city. I've never found out because if one of my assassins is in a target city I always run one more turn so I can see the fireworks.

              Roger Bacon


              • #8
                Just a few quick questions

                1. Is there a limit to the number of these units one can build?

                2. I know that the AI knows how to use them however is will they spam you with them, in other words will I spend my entire game trying to fend them off?

                3. one last thing would it be possible for you to show me how I might be able to make these units have the abilitiy to flip a city (if my culture is more than 50% in there city + tech stealing).

                Thank you
                As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
                - Voltaire


                • #9
                  Originally posted by greenday_234
                  Just a few quick questions

                  1. Is there a limit to the number of these units one can build?
                  No, but they can only be built in your capital so that tends to limit them. Also, they are likely to die unless you let them sit around and gain experience for awhile (assuming you are using my training barracks mod).

                  2. I know that the AI knows how to use them however is will they spam you with them, in other words will I spend my entire game trying to fend them off?
                  I've never been hit by more than 4 or 5 of them in an entire game.

                  3. one last thing would it be possible for you to show me how I might be able to make these units have the abilitiy to flip a city (if my culture is more than 50% in there city + tech stealing).
                  Thank you
                  I haven't looked in to city flipping but there's probably a python function in the API to change city owner.

                  Roger Bacon

