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Civilization 1918 - WW1-Mod for Civ4

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  • Civilization 1918 - WW1-Mod for Civ4

    You sit in a history lesson and suddenly notice that history has changed a little since you last heard it. You are confused by lectures about the battle around Berlin in 1917 to keep the Turks from landing in England, or the invasion of the Emperor in Moscow.

    Even if you may certainly want to send your teacher to a mental home at this point, we must warn you to think twice before doing so! Because considering this new 'encyclopaedia of history', he could be quite right!

    Frontline18 has already produced First Person Shooters and Real Time Strategy games, allowing players to march across the battlefields of the First World War, and soon it will feed the hungry long-term tacticians who wish to explore historical utopias, or play out the the first large scale arms race of the last century.

    Based on the Civilization 4 engine comes a small, new team led by Kopernikus. The mod, Civilization 1918, will begin with the start of The Great War and will (depending on how it is played) move to its ficticious end in the 1920s.

    The game will of course follow the same basic structure of Civilization 4.

    The question about a release date is of course justified.

    Unlike the Battlefield 1918 series, Civilization 1918 cannot be released as a raw version and gradually patched in regular intervals. It will therefore be downloadable only as a completely finished scenario. And of course, we will hold regular updates to make sure you are kept up to date as to what is going on.

    Of course, no project makes itself. Therefore:
    Each true fan, instead of waiting for the result, sends an application to:
    That much to our official announcement, now some additional comments from me:

    The goal ist, to create a scenario that will feature Europe during the Timeframe from 1914 till the mid twenties. It will feature all nations and Allliances, specifically for the Scenario designed Fieldenhancements, Cityupgrades and of course hundreds of unique Military Units of this era, including many Prototypes which in reality never appeared on the Battlefield.

    How are we gonna accomplish this ambitious project?

    Well, the hopefully now forming Team will find an working-enviroment, that is relativly unique for Civilization-Mods. Frontline18 offers a proffesional enviroment with experienced Modders and all required ressources (Homepage with public and private Boards, FTP- and CVS-Server, public and private IRC-Channels, it’s own History-Department for research and a large Team of proffesionals for the different technical aspects who can give assictance if required.
    In short, everything required to accomplish this task should be available.

    Without the SDK of course not much has been done so far. Myself, my first “employee” and some people from our other Projects, which have some interest in this one as well, have started to collect Ideas and Material and to development a concept. How this is gonna progress is a question of how many people will enlist and of course when the SDK is gonna be released and how much we can really do with this software.

    For all questions, Ideas, criticisms and of course applications, i can be contacted either here or via

  • #2
    Very interesting. I am a WWI affectionado, particularily of the air war. I would love to see the air-tech progress like it did from 1914-1918 and beyond instead of the simplistic fighter to jets jump that we have in the regular game.

    I can't offer much in the way of help, but I have about a dozen or so books on WWI that I can use for reference.
    The Rook


    • #3
      Our first "official"News-Update incl. several Unit-Shoots from snafusmith can be found here

      Text is still in german, but does not say much more like "Welcome to the Project" anyway, so ignore it and enjoy the Pics

