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Looking for ideas

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  • Looking for ideas

    To preface this, I'm an artist. I'm not planning to do any coding or scripting for this, I'm just going to do some art assets.

    I was considering trying my hand at modelling, texturing, and animating a new leader, probably for one of the existing civ's with only 1 leader. But I'm trying to come up with an idea. I considered Ramses, but it'd basically be Hatep except male. I'd prefer someone that would be able to add a different dynamic to the civ.

    So, any ideas would be appreciated. Try to sell me on why this person! And if any Firaxis guys are looking and can give me tips on workflow for creating this, that'd be great too
    - Dregor

  • #2
    I'm using a mod I downloaded that added a ton of leaders, all with static heads. My votes for who to model would be:

    The Meiji Emperor
    Minamoto Yoritomo

    Roger Bacon


    • #3
      Churchill or Henry the 8th would get my votes from the static head mods that I've seen.

      Oh, and Joan d'Arc would be a HUGE favorite, I think, in the general populace, but France already has 2.


      • #4
        Where can I find this mod with more leaders?
        As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
        - Voltaire

