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Increase movement rate of ships.

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  • Increase movement rate of ships.

    Dear all;

    I still think it is strange that battleships and carriers take 10 turns or more (10 years or more) to round the world.

    How can I change the movement rate of units.

    PS: It's my first post, it might be in the wrong department.

    From Uithoorn, the Netherlands,


  • #2
    To do this:

    Go to C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\XML\Units, and make a copy of the UnitInfos.XML file.

    Put it in your "Custom Assets"\assets\XML\Units directory. (you may have to create the XML\Units directory)

    Open it up in a text editor of your choice. Search for the unit that you want. In the information for that unit, find the (iMoves) tag.

    Simply change the number for that value, and voila, you've got a unit that can move further!

    Note: The Custom Assets folder can be reached through your Civ4 directory, or through your "My Documents\My Games\Sid Mier's Civilization 4" folder.

