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What mod/scenario would you love to see?

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  • What mod/scenario would you love to see?

    What scenarios would you like to have in Civ4?

    I`d really like to have a good Dune scenario. Cool thing that there are animals now, so it would be possible to have sandworms.

    As for historical ones, I´d go for interesting periods of european history, like the world wars, napoleonic wars, roman wars, etc.

  • #2
    I'd love to see Harlan Thompson's Lord of the Rings scenario for civ2 adapted to civ4.

    That was the only scenario i really enjoyed playing more than normal civ in all my civvin days.

    Do you know if Harlan is still around?
    "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
    George Orwell


    • #3
      I'd love to see the 'Rise and Rule' mod for Civ 3 brought up for Civ 4. The depth was fantastic, though that may be replicated by some of the mods in production...

      I'd also like to see a trade mod that altered the way trade worked between cities. I find that the way the number of trade routes is limited in the game is very unrealistic, especially in the early game. Every city should have a trade network with every other city, at least within a certain radius - even if it produced practically no income. The current setup feels contrived, and serves only to play a role within the civics system.


      • #4
        I would like to see a mod that improved diplomacy. I think that there should be equal positive and negative affects for certain choices. For example:

        Leader X asks you to do something bad to leader Y. When you say "no" you get a -1 to leader X for not cooperating. I think you should also get a +1 to leader Y but currently you don't. The net effect of the current system is a steady decline in relations. This is particularly evident when two civs are at war and they both ask you for help. If you stay neutral you will end up with a negative effect to each of them.

        Roger Bacon


        • #5
          I've mentioned this in other threads, but I'd like a scenario like this:

          Lots of starting positions are defined, but not all of them are filled.

          If, at any stage, a tribe is eliminated, the scenario checks to see if any of the originally-defined starting positions are still outside everyone's cultural radii.

          If they are, it picks one, and starts a new tribe at the relevant point.
          Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.


          • #6
            sell weapons

            Unfortunately, I'm comlpetely useless with computers, so there's no way I could do this, but:
            already, you can *give* units to other civs. (why would you do that?) - now, if you could sell them, that would be different..
            I would love to see a mod with the units you have added to the trade screen. Thus, if Isabella wanted 5 jet fighters .. we can do that! (problem: which ones go over there? maybe the seller should then choose which 5, is this even remotely possible?)
            then, maybe, one could also add lending of material: same concept, only that they revert to your color after a pre-determined amount of rounds. (say, Isabella has an overseas war but few ships. She could lend 5 transport vessels fpr 25 rounds.)

            Another thing I'd like to see: open borders-civilian and military, two different options. one lets missionaries, settlers and the like through, but no warriors and jet fighters.

            Is that possible?


            • #7
              Wales or a Celtic nation conversion/addition


              • #8
                I'd love to see a mod based on a timeline from approximately 1000AD-1450AD, with fully fleshed out tech tree, buildings, units etc.


                • #9
                  The American Civil War 1861-1865
                  Napoleonic Wars 1805-1815
                  Spanish Civil War 1936-39
                  War in the Pacific 1941-45
                  Khartoum, Sudan Wars 1883-85
                  an Epic of the Wars in the Sudan
                  A new mod for CIV III Conquests Finally HERE !


                  • #10
                    Re: sell weapons

                    Originally posted by Saarlaender
                    Unfortunately, I'm comlpetely useless with computers, so there's no way I could do this, but:
                    already, you can *give* units to other civs. (why would you do that?) - now, if you could sell them, that would be different..
                    I would love to see a mod with the units you have added to the trade screen. Thus, if Isabella wanted 5 jet fighters .. we can do that! (problem: which ones go over there? maybe the seller should then choose which 5, is this even remotely possible?)
                    then, maybe, one could also add lending of material: same concept, only that they revert to your color after a pre-determined amount of rounds. (say, Isabella has an overseas war but few ships. She could lend 5 transport vessels fpr 25 rounds.)

                    Another thing I'd like to see: open borders-civilian and military, two different options. one lets missionaries, settlers and the like through, but no warriors and jet fighters.

                    Is that possible?
                    That isa great idea. Sometimes you are so far ahead of teh other civs that you have units that are mostly useless to you but the other civs could use them since they are usually at the same tech level.
                    I think this mod is possible in Python but getting the AI to be interested in buying the units might be a problem. The value the ai puts on things is defined in the XML and units don't have any such entry.

                    Roger Bacon


                    • #11
                      Maybe the value could be determined as fixed by its production cost, or depend on the, well, "desperation measure" of that civ, say, if its worst enemy is much stronger and farther ahead, or if it had war declared on it by a much stronger enemy.

                      Usually, when that happens and the civ has good relations with you, it comes and wants you to declare war (which, if you don't, hurts your relations). Maybe that reaction can be expanded. instead of asking to declare war, it will ask you first to try to coerce the enemy into making peace, using you r influence. Then, 3 rounds later, if there's still war, it could ask fpr units to be sold (or maybe ask lent). Only if all of that still leaves your friendly civ in a bind, then it will ask you, as a last resort, to join the war (unless, of course, you have an alliance; in that case, of course, you still have to go along right away.)

                      When not at war, price and value could depend on how threatened the civ feels by others. Is that also in XML?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rogerbacon
                        I would like to see a mod that improved diplomacy. I think that there should be equal positive and negative affects for certain choices. For example:

                        Leader X asks you to do something bad to leader Y. When you say "no" you get a -1 to leader X for not cooperating. I think you should also get a +1 to leader Y but currently you don't. The net effect of the current system is a steady decline in relations. This is particularly evident when two civs are at war and they both ask you for help. If you stay neutral you will end up with a negative effect to each of them.

                        Roger Bacon

                        I second this request. What a great idea! Would it be difficult to employ?


                        • #13
                          I would like to see a good religious victory
                          More diplomacy options would be great too. Like when some civ asks me to attack another enemy, there should also be an option where you would only attack the other Civ, if the first Civ does something to you (money, teach, map or whatever)... the asking Civ may of course chose to not accept the deal
                          I would also like to set some rules for what you're interested in dealing with (this could be civ specific or how the releationship is. I'm tired of being bugged by civs who are just 'cautious' with me, ask if I would want to attack civ X, while when I try to ask them they just say "we don't like you enough"
                          Also the '-1' for not joining a war should only apply if the civ is friendly with one
                          This space is empty... or is it?


                          • #14
                            I would like to see a mod where you can use the earth maps but be able to change the victory conditions...i hate space race!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by postit
                              I would like to see a mod where you can use the earth maps but be able to change the victory conditions...i hate space race!!

                              ASK AND THOU SHALT RECIEVE!!
                              Attached Files
                              The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...

