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request feedback regarding this change to industrious trait

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  • request feedback regarding this change to industrious trait

    Not being a 'wonder' builder myself, thus finding this trait a little useless, i decided to find an alternative to this trait's bonus that would still do it justice.

    I'm a little concerned about balance though, so i'd like to ask the community what they think about it.

    What if you remove the 50% wonder production bonus and replace it with a +1 hammer bonus on all tiles that already produce 3 (three) hammers.

    The effects that i see:

    - The bonus starts out weak, and gets stronger as the game progresses. Early on, only tiles with hills + mines on them would benefit from this, and of course some special resource tiles - of which there aren't to many.

    - Later on, watermills & lumbermills with replaceable parts & railroads would also yield this bonus. Workshops with Guilds tech and on a plains tile would also provide the bonus during mid-game.

    - regarding starting locations - if the civ has lots of hills, it might benefit from it, but of course odds are it doesn't have as many food tiles. Likewise, if it starts out with many food tiles, it probably won't have many hills to use this trait. So overall, the change should be relatively balanced compared to the others at the start of the game.

    - later on in the game, as things get more expensive, this trait shouldn't be 'to powerful' either, as one civ would have to specialize on workshops/watermills and such to really benefit from this trait.

    What are everyone elses thoughts on this change?