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Simple Mod idea: Mixed Market Civic Option

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  • Simple Mod idea: Mixed Market Civic Option

    I'd first like to start by saying that I'm sure some have noticed that I only post ideas and not actual mods on here. I understand this might irriate some however my explanation for that lies in the fact that I know nothing about computer programming and wouldn't even know where to start so instead I attempt to make a contribution by thinking of ideas that might spark peoples interests and make a positive impact on a great game.
    That being said, one idea I've been thinking about for several days now is the addition of a new economics civics option called Mixed Market.

    +1 trade routes in cities (just as with free Market)

    1/2 distance maintance cost (half of what state
    property gives because the Government has some
    control over its territories and production but not

    +2 health in all cities (as a result of Government
    intervention in Pollution control (i.e. EPA)

    -5% drop in prodution as a result of government

    -50% drop in inflation rate due to government
    intervention i.e. The Federal Reserve (not sure
    controling inflation is possible without SDK)

    Now looking at this it may seem as if this is too powerful a civic however I would say that it only makes sense that it be powerful due to the fact that in the real world this is the dominant form of economics used today. Afterall even China has begun moving toward a more mixed economy and has seen strong economic growth from it.

    Please leave me your thoughts and questions

    As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
    - Voltaire

  • #2
    A mixed economy is called "Socialist". All the developed nations in the world run a socialist economy right now, not just China. Their economies are in varying degrees of orientation towards a communist or market system, but none of them are purely either despite propaganda saying otherwise. Pure capitalist markets haven't existed in the US since at least the Gilded Age in the late 19th century. The Cubans probably have come the closest, far closer than the Soviets, to making a purely communist system, but only because they have such a small economy and it has been cut off from major trade partners since the end of the Cold War.

    I would suggest making the tech assocated with a "Socialist" market civic a precursor to the Communism tech and require Democracy and Liberalism.


    • #3
      I would suggest making the tech assocated with a "Socialist" market civic a precursor to the Communism tech and require Democracy and Liberalism.
      That would coincide with the pure Marxist definition of socialism as the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. But does Mixed Market really fit the definition of the truly socialist? I wonder. (And no, I'm not one of those people who confuses communism with socialism; communism is simply state controlled capitalism.) Still I think your tech proposal makes as much sense as any other.

      I think this civic mod sounds interesting. It is a challenge to balance this kind of mod successfully, though. But there's nothing wrong with being ambitious.

      Keep 'em coming, greenday: I don't think anyone minds the ideas in lieu of the mods.
      One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
      "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"

