Name : Plot List Enhancement
Version : v0.96 (for Civ4 patch 1.52)
Date : 24.12.05
Author : 12monkeys (@civfanatics + @aployton)
This mod improves the unit information which is shown in the plot list.
Features :
1.) Additional Spot Info
injured units will get a darker spot in the upper left corner, following this table :
standard civ4 colors and their meaning :
- green : unit can move
- yellow : unit has moved, but some movements points are left.
- white : unit is fortified
- red : unit can't move
additional colors by this mod :
- darkgreen : unit can move but is injured
- orange : unit has moved, but some movements points are left, and is injured
- gray : unit is fortified and is injured
- darkred : unit can't move and is injured
2.) Display of unit missions
some special units missions are displayed below the unit icon :
- PAT : indicates that the unit is on ar-patrol/intercept mission
- SEN : unit has a sentry mission
- HEAL : unit is fortified and will wake up after its fully healed
- EXP : unit has an exploration mission
- AUT-B : unit is automized for general purpose (worker unit only)
- AUT-C : unit is automized for the nearest city (worker unit only)
- AUT-N : unit is automized to build network (worker unit only)
- GOTO : unit has a move-to command.
- FORT : unit is fortied
These icons should make it easier to check what units in a stack are available and what their current task is.
3.) Health bar
Besides the colored spot a health-bar is placed. It indicates the hitpoints a unit has.
4.) Promotion indicator
if a unit is able to be promoted, its icon is underlayed with a light-blue frame- Should ease up the identification of units to be promoted in a selection group.
5.) dynamic plot bar size
removed, because firaxis implemented an own version of this functionality
6.) single unit plot list button
usually, there is no unit icon disaplyed when you select a single unit. This has been changed now.
Requirements :
Civ4 patch 1.52 is required. If you have Civ4 patch 1.09 use the previous version v0.95 beta
Installation :
copy the files from the ZIP into their corresponding folders in the "My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4" folder. Installation at own risk!. If you already have the "PlotList Button Enhancement v0.95" installed, you can overwrite it with the new files over.
If you already have a modified versions of a file, you can manually merged them by looking for the comments "12monkeys"
Issues :
1.) Well, I'm not an artist in means of graphics. So if there is anybody making better looking buttons, he should do it and give me a feedback.
2.) There may be special unit states which are not catched, so that a wrong information is disaplyed.
Ideas for future realeases :
1.) indicate the number of possible promotions for an unit. Currently I don't know how to calculate it. Maybe someone can give me a hint?
2.) indicate the number of rounds till the unit is fully healed, related to the current circumstances. Same : I have no clue how I can calculate that.
3.) indicate if a unit can be upgraded. Just the possiblility if an upgrade is of interrest he
release notes :
v0.96 :
- changed to work with Civ4 patch 1.52
- removed dynamic plot list size, because firaxis implemented the function.
v0.95 beta:
- added healthbar
- changed spot color
- added mission icons
- implemented dynamic plot bar size
- added promotion indicator
- lots of comments added
- single units will get their plot list button as well
v0.9 beta:
- initial release
Name : Plot List Enhancement
Version : v0.96 (for Civ4 patch 1.52)
Date : 24.12.05
Author : 12monkeys (@civfanatics + @aployton)
This mod improves the unit information which is shown in the plot list.
Features :
1.) Additional Spot Info
injured units will get a darker spot in the upper left corner, following this table :
standard civ4 colors and their meaning :
- green : unit can move
- yellow : unit has moved, but some movements points are left.
- white : unit is fortified
- red : unit can't move
additional colors by this mod :
- darkgreen : unit can move but is injured
- orange : unit has moved, but some movements points are left, and is injured
- gray : unit is fortified and is injured
- darkred : unit can't move and is injured
2.) Display of unit missions
some special units missions are displayed below the unit icon :
- PAT : indicates that the unit is on ar-patrol/intercept mission
- SEN : unit has a sentry mission
- HEAL : unit is fortified and will wake up after its fully healed
- EXP : unit has an exploration mission
- AUT-B : unit is automized for general purpose (worker unit only)
- AUT-C : unit is automized for the nearest city (worker unit only)
- AUT-N : unit is automized to build network (worker unit only)
- GOTO : unit has a move-to command.
- FORT : unit is fortied
These icons should make it easier to check what units in a stack are available and what their current task is.
3.) Health bar
Besides the colored spot a health-bar is placed. It indicates the hitpoints a unit has.
4.) Promotion indicator
if a unit is able to be promoted, its icon is underlayed with a light-blue frame- Should ease up the identification of units to be promoted in a selection group.
5.) dynamic plot bar size
removed, because firaxis implemented an own version of this functionality
6.) single unit plot list button
usually, there is no unit icon disaplyed when you select a single unit. This has been changed now.
Requirements :
Civ4 patch 1.52 is required. If you have Civ4 patch 1.09 use the previous version v0.95 beta
Installation :
copy the files from the ZIP into their corresponding folders in the "My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4" folder. Installation at own risk!. If you already have the "PlotList Button Enhancement v0.95" installed, you can overwrite it with the new files over.
If you already have a modified versions of a file, you can manually merged them by looking for the comments "12monkeys"
Issues :
1.) Well, I'm not an artist in means of graphics. So if there is anybody making better looking buttons, he should do it and give me a feedback.
2.) There may be special unit states which are not catched, so that a wrong information is disaplyed.
Ideas for future realeases :
1.) indicate the number of possible promotions for an unit. Currently I don't know how to calculate it. Maybe someone can give me a hint?
2.) indicate the number of rounds till the unit is fully healed, related to the current circumstances. Same : I have no clue how I can calculate that.
3.) indicate if a unit can be upgraded. Just the possiblility if an upgrade is of interrest he
release notes :
v0.96 :
- changed to work with Civ4 patch 1.52
- removed dynamic plot list size, because firaxis implemented the function.
v0.95 beta:
- added healthbar
- changed spot color
- added mission icons
- implemented dynamic plot bar size
- added promotion indicator
- lots of comments added
- single units will get their plot list button as well
v0.9 beta:
- initial release