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City size, objective

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  • City size, objective

    I would greatly appreciate any help someone(s) could give me.

    I've been looking for a while now, and I can't figure out where a few things are stored in Civ IV...

    1. "city size" --> population number

    I want to change
    1 --> 1000
    2 --> 6000
    3 --> 21000
    4 --> 48000
    5 --> 90000


    to a system that allows me to increase city population, while the "acutal population" number doesn't skyrocket.

    for example...

    1 --> 1000
    2 --> 2000
    3 --> 8000
    4 --> 16000
    5 --> 25000

    2. Where is "city objective" stored. In the desert fox mod they use "city objective" as a victory condition. I can find how to set #objectives to win.... BUT WHERE/HOW do you designate a city as an objective... I thought maybe it was in Python, but maybe it is just some script that I missed in the XML, or game file?

    thank you in advance.

    -Zen Blade

  • #2
    Anyone have an idea where these can be found?
    How to modify them?

    -Zen Blade


    • #3
      I'm not exactly sure, but I definitely know that there is a place to modify some aspect of the popuylation. There's two types, linear or exponential, but I do not know if that has to do with the graphics, the population, or both. It's in GlobalDefines.xml. Otherwise, I'd check the python for the demographics.

      For the second, try checking the python in the scenario. I'm pretty sure it was written for that scenario.

      Edit: Blah. Only thing I could find for the real population is a function that allows one to grab the population; iPopulation = pPlayer.getRealPopulation()
      Last edited by Bill3000; December 24, 2005, 17:51.
      "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
      "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
      Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

      "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


      • #4
        thanks bill,

        What I saw of population in Globaldefines seemed to have to do with graphics... but I couldn't tell for sure.

        Maybe it does have something to do with the population stated.

        As for python... uggh.. I am avoiding having to search through that myself (since I don't code). I have no idea what to look for or what the text might mean.
        I guess I'll have to try.

        -Zen Blade


        • #5
          The relevant code is:
          		if ( (self.countAlliesObjectives() == 6 or self.countAxisObjectives() == 6) ):
          			iCount = self.getVictoryTimer()
          			self.setVictoryTimer(iCount - 1)
          			# let calculateScore() know the game has been won
          			if iCount == 1:
          Basically it checks to see if the allies or axis control 6 objective cities (separate functions), and if so, triggers the victory condition.



          • #6
            then theres also the part that draws that in the victory screen, which I have to find eventually... unless someone has it handy for pasting

