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Buildings providing resources

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  • Buildings providing resources

    Earlier, I presented my idea about a Stables building, which required Horses to build, but also provided Horses (through the XML tag used by Broadway, Rock'n'roll and Hollywood). As an offset, horses can be made less common on the map.

    This concept can be expanded to other resources - for instance those that go obsolete in the late game. Sadly, only one resource can be produced by each building.

    Some suggestions:
    * The Factory produces Fur. (Synthetic fake fur)
    * The Oil Power Plant (new building) produces Whale. (Lamp oil, stearine and other products from Whales are nowadays made from petroleum)
    * The Laboratory produces Ivory. (Advanced plastics have replaced Ivory in billiard balls and piano keys)

    This way, you will not lose the happiness bonus from these goods.

    I also thought of adding some new luxury/health/strategic goods, available only from buildings. What kind of goods would you suggest? Porcelain? Textiles? Electronic hardware? Computer games?
    The difference between industrial society and information society:
    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

  • #2
    Plant nurseries that give landscaping shrubs. adds health
    fast food restaurants that give greasy burgers. adds +2 happiness and -1 food (people get fatter and eat more hehe)
    Jeweler labs that make created gems (is there a way to make gems dissappear slowly off the map over time?)
    Toy Stores create Frisbees or Hula Hoops for happiness
    Pharmacutical Labs that make drugs for +2 health +1 happy -2 commerce

    All these buildings should be relatively expensive, along the lines of a national wonder I think.
    ~I like eggs.~


    • #3
      I was doing some thinking about Stables now that you brought that idea up, I would like to see stables as a Building which adds expeience (maybe +2) to your Mounted units.

      I'm not so conserned with resorce aquisition as I use my own No Resorce Screwage mod to eliminate the need.

      The Lost Wonders Mod featured an OilRig "Eriki Raud" or some such thing that gives 1 Oil, its a national wonder presumably to prevent you from being totaly Oil Screwed.
      Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

