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Master of Magic mod

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  • Master of Magic mod

    Could a Master of Magic mod be done in Civ4? How close could you come to the original gameplay? I've seen mods with spells, the various books of magic would of course be treated as technologies, and it's possible to apply a wide variety of bonuses to units. One possible drawback is flying over water - can that be done?

    Master of Magic is one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm surprised nobody has made a remake. It essentially combined Magic: The Gathering with Civilization and added a metric assload of races, heroes, items, the ability to forge your own magical items, and a ton of role-playing elements. It's only weakness was a stupid AI, but I'm sure the Civ4 one would be better.

  • #2
    Flying over water is as simple as allowing the unit to move into water squares and have a flying graphic.

    The main concideration is actually creating units, I haven't seen anything but re-skins of in game units, so I don't know if its possible yet. Probably with the developer's kit they keep talking about

    When we get the capabilities to make our own units and spell effects in the game, the sky will be the limit! Even area affect spells like fireballs are simple using the nuke's code to attack multiple squares with differing damage.
    ~I like eggs.~


    • #3
      I just remembered that combat in that game had a lot more to do with Master of Orion and miniatures gaming than Civ...that aspect would have to be very different. Maybe it's not as feasible as I thought.


      • #4
        There's a great Master of Magic mod for Civ 3

        Check out my Atlas Map Generator

        Generate, preview and play Civ IV maps of any size with the alternative Map Generator


        • #5
          MoM was a great game, although even after the infamous Microprose 1.31 patch it had some serious play balance issues.

          Toran the Chosen!

          Game over.

