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[Map Script]

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  • [Map Script]

    Version 2.0:

    This python script can be used to generate a set of approximately equal sized continents for teams to play on. It's also a good starting point for anyone looking to generate maps but not wanting to deal with the pain of understanding the fractal map generator.

    1) Choose number of continents arranged vertically and horizontally.

    2) If you match total number of continents = vertical * horizontal to the number of players, each player will start with their own continent

    3) Choose sea level to control intercontinental travel:
    a) low = coasts touch, so you can travel as soon as you have boats
    b) med = some ocean between, you will probably be able to touch one other continent if you get lucky
    c) high = enough ocean to prevent inter continental war until galleon

    4) demonstrates how to lay out tiles, select terrain, and place bonuses without using the fractal worldbuilder.

    5) well documented, and fairly easy to tweak to your liking.

    6) prints a lot of helpful information if you are trying to understand what it is doing (use the hapdebugger)

    Attached Files
    Last edited by DougM; January 9, 2006, 13:29.
    Check out SmartMap: my ultra flexible map generator for civIV.

  • #2
    A stupid question: Where do you put that script?
    I can't get it (or mine) to work when putting it in PublicMaps. I get an error: ImportError: No Module named Surt.
    Is there something beyond just putting the script in the folder that's needed to get it to work?
    Clash of Civilization team member
    (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
    web site and forum here on apolyton)


    • #3
      sorry, not that i know of

      I just have it in my publicmaps directory. you could try putting it in the custommaps directory and see if that works for you, i've seen people with wierd problems where things work in one place but not in another.

      sorry I don't have a better answer. you could try setting the cheat flag in your config, that made some things work that didn't work for me before.

      it's also possible you need to clear your caches. i don't know how that works exactly.
      Check out SmartMap: my ultra flexible map generator for civIV.


      • #4
        Clearing the cache does the job.
        Clash of Civilization team member
        (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
        web site and forum here on apolyton)


        • #5
          version 2 released

          New version now supports the sea level option, and adds non fractal terrain generation as well as more documentation for those seeking to build their own python logic for map building.

          Link to the picture

          Link to the file:
          Check out SmartMap: my ultra flexible map generator for civIV.

