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[Utility] WorldPainter Released!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ForesterSOF
    The Save type for new WBsaves is read fine. The original WB maps are not.

    This may be due to the save version is now 102 and the maps that shiped with Civ are Ver 101.
    Nope, it was simple whitespace.

    I was brought down by whitespace.

    I've got that fixed but now I'm in the middle of the "red square" thing so I'll have to hurry and get it done or comment it out and release a patch.

    Or, you guys could take the white space out of your saves.

    Tom P.
    Last edited by padillah; February 21, 2006, 15:28.


    • #32
      There, v 0.2.5 is fixed and up.

      Please take a look and see if that's any better.

      Really just fixed the whitespace issue with loading maps and added a colored block that follows your mouse around the map to help determine what tile you are pointing at.

      Let me know what you think.

      Tom P.


      • #33
        Looking good.

        The foundation seems to be set and now it is implementing what is listed in this thread.

        The Zoom feature was what I thought of first and then all this eye candy stuff and extra setting/check boxes.
        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
        There is a reason for everything.


        • #34
          Now, when you "zoom" in do you think you are going to see the graphics from Civ4 or just bigger plot squares so you can aim better?

          I don't think I'm ready to try and import graphics from Civ yet... or ever for that matter.

          Maybe my own custom graphics of some sort... Hmm.

          Tom P.


          • #35
            I would like to see some sort of graphix so the square can be IDed easier but the main reason is so less things to look at and thus easier to organize and edit.
            You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
            There is a reason for everything.


            • #36
              For your own recognition I would add a button with the File one so the program name, version, creator and a place to contact the creator can be seen by all.
              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
              There is a reason for everything.


              • #37
                Originally posted by padillah
                Thanks, I've been trying to get the basics covered but the Desert and Jungle distribution never really made me happy so I'd work on something else to clear my mind, then go back to it later.
                I suggest you try picking up a geography text book, a decent one is indispensable in "world building". Personally, I use mine to create believeable worlds for pen & paper roleplaying.

                There are wind & rainfall patterns (arising from temperature changes and the rotation of Earth) which dictate jungle and desert zones. In the equator, it's rainy -> jungle terrain. Further from the equator, there is a "dry zone" on both hemispheres -> desert terrain. Use that as a rule of thumb, and modify according to mountain ranges: coastal mountain ranges have increased rainfall on the coast side and decreased rainfall on the inland side of the range.

                DISCLAIMER: Take all of the above with a grain of salt, it's been a long time since I last read by geography book...
                -=- 4ntifa -=-


                • #38
                  And that's what I've implemented, but in a very basic way. I have a band of jungle from the equator out for as far as the "Jungle Size". The scarcity of jungle tiles is governed by the "Jungle Varience" and the distance from the equator.

                  Then I add the desert from there until the "Desert Size" using "Desert Varience" to govern the scarcity as they spread from the equator.

                  I do the same, but opposite, thing for icecaps. They are at least one tile thick and then the rest is Icecap Varience as the distance from the pole increases.

                  Mountains I just kind of pick a spot and a direction and spew.

                  I'd love to get a better continent generation algorithm but I'm going to concentrate right now on getting the rest of the basics established and then I need a feedback mechanism (as in, I'd like to put a progress bar on the UI so the user knows work is being done). Then I can detach the map generation and find a way to externalise it. Then I have to find a way to represent rules for generating land and such. THEN I can make different map algorithms and let others plug into the land, terrain, and resource generators.

                  At least that's my dream for now.

                  Tom P.


                  • #39
                    After I make a map in WP then I have to load it into C4EV2 and save it so I can do rough editing with Map View and then I take it back to C4EV2 for polishing.

                    For some reason MV will not take a direct save from WP.

                    Every map can be customized well.

                    The sliders for the resources and terain is good for that way I can use it in the C4AC MOD if items are evenly switched.

                    Atlas may be more picure friendly but WP does more when used with these other programs.

                    List of what could still use:

                    Hill/Mountan shape
                    Rule Setup
                    Player/Team Setup

                    The last two I got from what the C4EV2 will do for me.

                    Map View
                    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                    There is a reason for everything.


                    • #40
                      Thanks for the feedback! I've been busy looking for a job for a little wile now so I have not had a chance to concentrate on WP. I've made some progress on the rivers but they are not nearly done yet.

                      I've got a phone interview Monday and if that goes well I'll start Wednesday. If that happens I'll be able to spend some quality time on Monday and Tuesday on WP. Hopefully this will be enough to work out the rest of the river system.

                      After that I can start on the Player and Map parts of the save file.

                      Tom P.


                      • #41
                        Good luck with the job.
                        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                        There is a reason for everything.


                        • #42
                          Planning on replacing the jungle with xeno fungus so the Varience bar helps lots.
                          Last edited by ForesterSOF; April 23, 2006, 15:51.
                          You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                          There is a reason for everything.


                          • #43
                            Cool. Oh, and I got a job! So I'm gonna settle in and get back to this in a few weeks.

                            Tom P.


                            • #44
                              ** Bump **

                              Well, I finally got around to releasing v0.3.0

                              Rivers are in but they need some tweaking.

                              If anyone finds a good parameter setting, please let me know.

                              Also, I am working on implementing Game and Team settings as well as some of the suggestions made here.

                              Thanks for the feedback and the patience...
                              Tom P.

