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[MOD] SD Unit XP

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  • [MOD] SD Unit XP

    SD-UnitXP 1.00
    by Stone-D ( Laga Mahesa )
    For Civilization IV
    Compatibility : 1.00+
    Data Source   : 1.09
    New Game Req  : NO
    Requires      : sdToolKit 1.22+ (1.22 is included)

    This began life as SD-StackXP, which is probably not going to be updated anymore. This combination mod serves the same purpose, plus more.

    Initially, I started this because I found myself micromanaging unit stacks. I'd monitor who's got the least experience and try to focus on that unit in combat. Sometimes I would forfeit a higher level unit's combat round so that he wouldn't get too far ahead with XP.

    This mod does away with that. At the end of a combat round, the winner's experience is shared with other units of the same type who have lower experience.

    Additionally, and possibly of more interest to you, is that upgraded units are no longer set to 10 XP - they keep their original experience.

    Note that some battles will be a bit harder as a result of all this.

    Some of you will no doubt hate one of these features. Because of this, I have provided two switches. You can find them near the top of - open it with notepad.

    These are what are called 'Boolean' values - they are either True or False.

    bUpgradeXP = Default is True. Protect your upgraded units' experience levels. Set to 'False' in order to disable.
    bShareXP = Default is True. Share the combat round winner's XP with the lower rank plebians. Set to 'False' in order to disable.


    v1.00 :
    Initial Release, name change from SD-StackXP.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Nice work


    • #3
      Glad you like it.

