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Consolidated Place for mods?

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  • #16
    Rushster: The one fatal flaw to your site is user submissions. Same as Civ4files. If you rely on mod writers to do everything for you, nothing will get done and any list will be piecemeal at best.

    I say upload anything that doesn't specifically say what websites are allowed to host it (like most game FAQs for example). Have user submissions only as a secondary tool for developers to add pictures and details.
    ~I like eggs.~


    • #17
      Ghen: I noticed that, when submitting a mod, you can edit the 'author' field. This, to me, means that anyone can upload any mod and it would be up to the moderators whether it gets through or not.


      • #18
        I'd love to just take an hour on sunday to upload mods I find on the forums if a website would smile on the practice.
        ~I like eggs.~


        • #19
          You guys make a valid point, however mods listed are only good if they are updated. If people upload other people's mods then if it breaks for whatever reason it won't get updated to actually work becuase the author won't actually know it' there. Same goes for when they release a new version of the mod, the old version will just sit there and not be updated.

          The point I think I am trying to make here is that this is as beneficial to the authors as well as the users because the comments in each mod from the users are what helps the author tackle bugs.

          It does actually work very well, mod authors that take pride in their work and want to get their mods out there will update their files.

          It is a double edged sword but it is a proven method that does work when mod authors realise the benefits of managing their mod spaces with updates, patch notes, archive versions and responses to user comments.

          However, people will upload others mods and that's OK, but this isn't a passive site, it's active and out of date mods, discontinued mods etc will be removed if they are not looked after. The point of the site is to serve the community with a reliable mod resource

          There is the facility for mods to be uploaded and then assigned to the real author should they get in touch and ask for control of their mod pages but they would have to let me know so I can hand it over and assign it to their user id.

          I hope this explains the reasons I have made the system the way it is and as other site admins join the team it becomes a real asy system to use becuase of the back-end I;ve put together. It really is a doddle
          Last edited by Rushster; December 16, 2005, 14:51.
          Civ4Mods - Upload & Download Mods!


          • #20
            no problem here, we just have differing ideas is all
            ~I like eggs.~


            • #21
              I do agree with you, populating the DB is important and I am happy for mods to get fired in. The more that go in the more useful I think people will see the site is when looking or and tracking their fav mods. The more people that can help the better
              Civ4Mods - Upload & Download Mods!


              • #22
                Thanks to everyone for the recent feedback, the site is shaping up great down to your bug spotting etc.
                Civ4Mods - Upload & Download Mods!

