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mod idea: megatropolis

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  • mod idea: megatropolis

    I've done some testing to see whether CIV has a hard-coded population limit on a city. Answer: it doesn't.

    It's strictly food-related.

    This leads me to wonder if the following mod ideas would be possible, or even desirable:

    Ability to ship food from city to city, or the ability for a connected resource outside city boundaries to provide a food bonus as well as a health bonus to the city.

    Ability to work more than 21 tiles. This would involve making the map on the city screen scrollable.

  • #2
    This sounds very interesting.

    First off we would need a second Tecnology to give the +1 food in farms inorder for their to realy be enough food avalible to grow cities into the 100's of pop.

    Some kind of SMAC crawler (works already begun on this) would be usefull. Sea crawlers aka Trawlers would alow the player to access food in the open Ocean which currently goes un-used (it would also be nice if the map builder would place fish and whales further then 2 tiles from the coast).

    Another possibility is a Building or tec that gives a health bonus in a city that proportional to population, for example +.5 health per population would double the maximum threshold.

    In the modern time period it would be interesting and rather historicaly acurate to alow the player to build population call it "Imigration", for every 100 hammers you would incresse the cities population by 1. Ofcorse you still need to worry about food and health caps it just helps you get their faster. Alternativly it could convert hammers to food, the reverse of making a settler or worker.

    Expanding the city work radius would probably be very hard to do, their are issues of scaling as you zoom the map out inside that very small city window. The expanded collection zone might just follow cultural radius but this seems rather non-sensical as it won't take tecnology OR land improvment into account. A more sofisticated method would actualy look at the travel time from a plot to the city and compare it with somevalue that incresses as your tecnology advances or you build better improvments. Anything that below the threash-hold can be worked.

    This brings up another idea witch I think Civ has needed for a lONG time. The ability to shift harvesting from the main screen. The resorce overlay option is already great and I use it ALL the time. The next step is to shift workers around without entering the city screen. How it would work. When the player holds down a special button (space bar perhaps as this will be used heavily) and selects a city instead of going to the city screen they see the resorce ouput overlay BUT plots that are outside the collection area (potentialy defined by what ever rules we desire) dont show an overlay. Plots being worked by other cities or blocked by enemy units show a greyed out overlay to indicate their is a potential to harvest their if the player can remove to offender/other workers. Only the currently worked and the workable plots show normal resorce overlays. While continueing to hold the button the player can drag and drop the workers from place to place. Releasing the button return to normal mode.
    Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

