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I want armies!

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  • I want armies!

    In Civ3 there were armies, and I found them to be very useful tactically. I'd like to see them in the expansion pack or upgrade to Civ4.

    However, there are some things I'd suggest changing from Civ3's version of armies. For one thing, it shouldn't be so hard to earn the ability to make them. There should be huge armies available in ancient times made up of archers and spearmen.

    Another thing that should be different is the ability to remove units from an army when they become obsolete. In the old version of the game, if you put a warrior in an army you'd still have a warrior in that same army when you'd be producing tanks. Illogical.

    Armies should be able to hold as many as five or six units, so that foot soldiers, artillary, medical corps and other specialized troops could be combined in different ways, giving each army unique characteristics. And what would be REALLY cool would be the ability for all the units in an army to attack at once. But maybe I'm asking for too much with that one.

  • #2
    Each unit in the game IS an army basically. If you make the armies from Civ3 too prevalent then all you're doing is slowing the game down with extra units.

    The reason armies aren't in the game now is that they were too powerful, a civ that built a good army could wipe across the land with no strategy at all. boooring. As it sits now with promotions and natural abilities on individual units fights get much more strategic and require a diverse group to go out fighting.
    ~I like eggs.~


    • #3
      I disagree. Since any player (including AI) would have the option to build armies the boring march across the countryside wouldn't be any such thing.

      Insofar as tactics, consider that if the armies assimilated the skills of their various components (flanking, city raiding, medical or whatever) AND if you could move units in and out of armies as they became obsolete, then the skills and strengths any individual army might have would be unique on the field.

      Would you want a medic unit in your army, so that it would heal faster, or would you rather have it be comprised of all muscle so it could punch through the front lines, regardless of casualties? Would you rather it be lighter and move fast or be stronger but slower? Should your army be diverse and suited to general activities or should it be specialized to a particular campaign?

      I stand by my original post. I think armies would be a good addition to any expansion pack or upgrade.


      • #4

        my dear friend,

        i agree with you.
        i miss too the armies that i consider a unique feature.indeed too bad that they didnt add it.and if someone has an army and could be possibly to wipe out an enemy country,then you or the AI deserve to loose.however,i would have a fear that indeed whoever builds an amry would have a big advantage,but the armies indeed were first appear during the first battles of mankind therefore i think that at least there should be exist an option to select them or not.
        i have seen however in the forums that someone has manage to create something like an army.


        • #5
          I would like to see armies

          If anything they make moving large groups of units easier.


          • #6
            All you have to do is select a number of units by either shift clicking on them, ctrl-clicking on them or both. This allows you to move multiple units at the same time. You can add or remove whatever units you want to the stack at any time.


            • #7
              i know that, but id rather hve a ingle uit with the shared hit points. those are the key i think. you dont lose units until all are exhusted.


              • #8
                It would be kind of hard to do that, considering that the battle system is drastically different - all units all the same hitpoints (100) for example, the concept of strength and firepower, et cetera.
                "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


                • #9
                  The problem with armies in CIV III was that the AI never used them properly. The few times that the AI even used armies, they mixed Cavalry with Infantry types. Thus, they couldn't get the advantage of a quicker deadlier unit. In CIV III, I was guaranteed victory with a few Cavalry armies.


                  • #10
                    Overall, Im not too happy with the combat experience so far. Ive only played a few hours (nothing in Civ time, right? ), but its very strange. Like new underwear. Maybe I just dont get it yet.

