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[MOD] No Resorce Screwage

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  • [MOD] No Resorce Screwage

    No Resorce Screwage Mod for Civilization 4
    v1.0 Created by Impaler[WrG]

    This MOD changes every Resorce Requirment to build a unit to a Production Bonus
    Units that required a single resorce have had their costs doubled and the resorce in question
    now provides a 100% production modifier esentialy canceling out the doubled cost.
    Now the lack of a Strategic resorce means the player must pay double for the unit rather
    then be without.

    Units that required two resorces have doubled in cost with each resorce providing
    a 50% Bonus, having one of them cuts the total cost by 1/3, haveing both custs cost in half
    again returning the units cost to when it would be in normal Civ.

    Units that require one of two resorces (mostly navel units and the early anti-Melee units)
    have droped the second resorce option to prevent a double bonus from applying to the unit.
    Subs and Carriers use only Uranium, Destroyer and BattleShip only use Oil. Axeman, Spearman
    and MaceMan use only Copper (felt Iron was already too important as it was so Copper must
    fill an early role as the primary early game resorce, think of it as a real Bronze Age).
    Transports droped all their resorce requirements.

    In addition the Units Upgrade costs have been reduced to 1 gold per Production as the Higher
    Base Production values would otherwise make upgrading much more expensive. Their will probably
    be very odd variations in costs as you go from a unit that has a resorce and who's cost were doubled
    to a unit thats cost remained the same. Such upgrades would be nearly free, others will be
    extreamly expensive. Further versions will try to adress this.
    (possibly by giving all units a Strategic resorce even if it means adding new resorces)

    Version 2 might also do some similar stuff with buildings


    Place the No Resorce Screwage folder into your MOD directory at

    C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\My Documents\My Games\MODS

    As always remember to never overwrite your Civ4 core game files!

    Also included is the Merge file created by ModSwitcher a handly program
    that quickly and easily merges modified XML and Python files, to download
    and learn about this program visit this post at CivFanatics

    It's great that this game is as moddable as it is, but one major shortcoming of the system is the inability to easily combine mods. I got fed up with hunting and merging changes by hand before I even started it. What we need is a mod switcher and since there are apparently none available yet...

    Happy Holidays
    Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

  • #2
    And Here is the file....
    Attached Files
    Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


    • #3
      wonderful, that will be fun to play around with
      ~I like eggs.~

