The ReligiousCrusades mod is designed to create true religious animosity. To accomplish this, it does the following:
1) The state religion is assigned automatically.
2) Any two Empires with different state religions are automatically at war
3) Any two Empires with the same religion are automatically at peace
The way the state religion is decided is based on the following point scale:
1 point per population
2 points per Temple
1 point per Monastery
3 points per Cathedral
5 points per Shrine
1 point per population in founding city
The points for each religion present in an Empire are calculated, and the religion with the highest point value automatically becomes the state religion. In the case of a tie, the current state religion is maintained. Checks are made dynamically, so any time an event takes place that can alter the point values, they are recalculated.
An Empire can only have no state religion if it has no religions present in its Empire. An Empire with no state religion will not be at war with any other Empires. Or, to put it differently, an Empire must have a religion to be at war. This can only be avoided by maintaining Closed Borders, and not founding any religions. Obviously this is its own penalty.
Attempting to found all the religions is also risky. If the wrong religion spreads to the wrong Empire, they will automatically go to war, closing their borders and preventing other religions from spreading.
Beware of switching sides too often. Although Empires with your religion cannot go to war with you, that does not mean they are certain to like you. If you've switched religions in the past, they are very likely to have a lot of "You declared war on us" negative penalties, dampening relations greatly.
ReligiousCrusades should be installed at "Program Files\Civilization 4\Mods". It is a proper mod, changing a great deal of game behaviour, and should not be installed as a Custom Asset.
- first release
Outstanding Issues:
Because trade routes are severed when going to war, there is no way to spread a religion beyond Missionaries once a religion takes hold. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get the AI to use Missionaries against Empires they are at war with. This can give the player an advantage.
Also, it's possible that if a single religion spreads correctly, every Empire will end up with that religion, leading to a relatively boring game.
It is not recommended that 'Permanent Alliances' be selected. Creating a permanent alliance, and then switching religions would likely break the mod.
Ideally, either some random events, or a better AI system may be necessary to shake things up.
Comments are welcome.
The ReligiousCrusades mod is designed to create true religious animosity. To accomplish this, it does the following:
1) The state religion is assigned automatically.
2) Any two Empires with different state religions are automatically at war
3) Any two Empires with the same religion are automatically at peace
The way the state religion is decided is based on the following point scale:
1 point per population
2 points per Temple
1 point per Monastery
3 points per Cathedral
5 points per Shrine
1 point per population in founding city
The points for each religion present in an Empire are calculated, and the religion with the highest point value automatically becomes the state religion. In the case of a tie, the current state religion is maintained. Checks are made dynamically, so any time an event takes place that can alter the point values, they are recalculated.
An Empire can only have no state religion if it has no religions present in its Empire. An Empire with no state religion will not be at war with any other Empires. Or, to put it differently, an Empire must have a religion to be at war. This can only be avoided by maintaining Closed Borders, and not founding any religions. Obviously this is its own penalty.
Attempting to found all the religions is also risky. If the wrong religion spreads to the wrong Empire, they will automatically go to war, closing their borders and preventing other religions from spreading.
Beware of switching sides too often. Although Empires with your religion cannot go to war with you, that does not mean they are certain to like you. If you've switched religions in the past, they are very likely to have a lot of "You declared war on us" negative penalties, dampening relations greatly.
ReligiousCrusades should be installed at "Program Files\Civilization 4\Mods". It is a proper mod, changing a great deal of game behaviour, and should not be installed as a Custom Asset.
- first release
Outstanding Issues:
Because trade routes are severed when going to war, there is no way to spread a religion beyond Missionaries once a religion takes hold. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get the AI to use Missionaries against Empires they are at war with. This can give the player an advantage.
Also, it's possible that if a single religion spreads correctly, every Empire will end up with that religion, leading to a relatively boring game.
It is not recommended that 'Permanent Alliances' be selected. Creating a permanent alliance, and then switching religions would likely break the mod.
Ideally, either some random events, or a better AI system may be necessary to shake things up.
Comments are welcome.
