CultureRot Mod idea and development.
After studying various culture related Mods from Bhruic and Stone-D, I would like a to make a new mod based upon their coding techniques.
Basically, it is simple idea. There exist a universal 'hole in the bucket' for all culture plot points total on all tile squares.
I want the enemy culture (or mine) left over on a square anywhere should rot away with time.
As it is now in game, any culture built up on a square never is erased. it will stay there forever, even if no city is around to keep it in existance. As is known in Bhruic CultureDecay Mod, this leades to problems. This is another variation, take on his idea.
I am just making a more simple model that continuously leaks out a percent of total culture points an ALL squares no matter who or what is there, owned, built, or unclaimed.
You must keep feeding real true culture points to that square to negate the effect, or else a solid pecentage amount will be removed per turn until approaches asymtopically zero. Since it is a percentage, small and large cities will be in proportion. It will not matter who owns it or if it is inside a city border or not.
After studying various culture related Mods from Bhruic and Stone-D, I would like a to make a new mod based upon their coding techniques.
Basically, it is simple idea. There exist a universal 'hole in the bucket' for all culture plot points total on all tile squares.
I want the enemy culture (or mine) left over on a square anywhere should rot away with time.
As it is now in game, any culture built up on a square never is erased. it will stay there forever, even if no city is around to keep it in existance. As is known in Bhruic CultureDecay Mod, this leades to problems. This is another variation, take on his idea.
I am just making a more simple model that continuously leaks out a percent of total culture points an ALL squares no matter who or what is there, owned, built, or unclaimed.
You must keep feeding real true culture points to that square to negate the effect, or else a solid pecentage amount will be removed per turn until approaches asymtopically zero. Since it is a percentage, small and large cities will be in proportion. It will not matter who owns it or if it is inside a city border or not.